Flat-headed cat Facts

Flat-headed cat Facts
Flat-headed cat is a type of small wild cat that belongs to the cat family. This animal can be found in Thailand, Malaysia, Borneo and Sumatra. Flat-headed cat inhabits tropical forests, swamps, riverbanks and oxbow lakes. 70% of flat-headed cat's habitats are already destroyed (deforested, drained and transformed into agricultural fields). Majority of remaining wetlands are polluted with toxins and heavy metals which decrease number of prey and induce poisoning of flat-headed cats. Researchers believe that wild population of flat-headed cats consists of around 10 000 animals. Flat-headed cats are on the list of endangered species (they can become extinct in the near future).
Interesting Flat-headed cat Facts:
Flat-headed cat can reach 16 to 20 inches in length and 3.3 to 5.5 pounds of weight. Tail is usually 5.1 to 5.9 inches long. Males are larger than females.
Flat-headed cat is covered with reddish brown fur on the head, brown fur on the backs and white fur with brown markings on the belly. Face is light-colored, with white fur on the muzzle and cheeks. All hairs are white-tipped.
Flat-headed cat has flattened head with long snout and small, rounded ears. Large eyes are positioned close to each other to improve visualization of the prey in and close to the water.
Flat-headed cat has elongated body with short legs and short tail. Feet are partially webbed to provide stability while cat walks on the muddy ground near the water. Claws are partially retractable (always exposed).
Flat-headed cat has sharp and long teeth. They are oriented backwards to facilitate holding of slippery prey.
Scientists believe that flat-headed cat is nocturnal animal (active during the night) even though captive cats exhibit crepuscular activity (active at dusk and dawn).
Flat-headed cat is a carnivore (meat-eater). Its diet is based on fish, frogs and crustaceans.
Flat-headed cats easily dive into the water to catch their prey. They eat on the solid ground (away from the water) to prevent their prey to escape back into the water.
Flat-headed cats like to wash their food before they start to eat it (just like raccoons).
Flat-headed cats occasionally hunt rodents on the palm oil plantations, but they prefer to hunt in the water. Experiments showed that flat-headed cats rather hunt mouse that is swimming in the water than mouse that is moving on the ground.
Flat-headed cats are solitary and territorial animals. They use urine to mark their territories.
Young flat-headed cats sound like domestic cats, while adult cats purr and produce short sounds for communication.
Little is known about reproductive behavior of flat-headed cats except that kittens can be delivered during January.
Pregnancy lasts 56 days and ends with 1 to 4 kittens (usually 2).
Flat-headed cat can survive 14 years in the captivity. Lifespan in the wild is unknown.

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