Hare Facts

Hare Facts
Hare, also known as jackrabbit, is small mammal that belongs to the family Leporidae (family of rabbits and hares). There are 32 species of hare that are native to Africa, Eurasia and North America. Most species of hare inhabit open forests, meadows, clearings and farmlands (some hares can survive in the extreme habitats such as deserts and Arctic tundra). Unlike rabbits, hares are not kept as pets. Hares are part of human diet in many parts of the world. Aside from hunting, greatest threats for the survival of hares in the wild are habitat loss and lack of food. Luckily, all species of hare are still widespread and numerous in the wild.
Interesting Hare Facts:
Hare can reach 14 to 28 inches in length and 3 to 12 pounds of weight.
Hare has furry coat that can be white, yellowish-brown, brown or black-colored and usually covered with dark markings.
Hare has divided upper lip, long ears, strong hind legs with large feet and short tail.
Hares and rabbits differ in size of the body and ears. Hares are larger and have longer ears.
Hare can leap up to 10 feet and reach the speed of 35 to 40 miles per hour thanks to its long, strong hind legs.
Hare is also excellent swimmer.
Hare is a herbivore. Its diet is based on the grass, fern, seed and vegetables.
Hare has excellent senses of hearing and smell which facilitate detection of food and predators.
Natural enemies of hares are birds of prey (owls and hawks), wild dogs, wolves and coyotes.
Hare inhabits open areas and it usually lays motionless on the ground with ears positioned low on the back when it needs to hide from the predators.
Hare is a solitary animal that occasionally lives in pairs.
Mating season of hares takes place during the spring. Hares use their front paws to fight with each other during this period (it looks like a boxing match). Scientists used to believe that males fight with each other to establish dominance and get opportunity to mate, but it turned out that females use their front paws to protect themselves from the pushy males when they do not want to mate. Phrase "mad as a March hare" refers to this unusual behavior.
Pregnancy lasts 42 days and ends with 6 babies known as leverets. Babies are born in the nest in the open area.
Baby hares are born with open eyes and covered with fur. They are able to run and leap shortly after birth. Mother leaves the nest to find food and returns to nurse the babies after dusk and before dawn. Young hares are fully weaned at the age of 4 weeks.
15. Hare can survive up to 12 years in the wild.

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