Honey bee Facts

Honey bee Facts
Honey bee is easily recognized and highly appreciated type of insect. There are seven species of honey bees that are further divided in 44 subspecies. Honey bee originates from South and Southeast Asia and possibly Europe (fossil evidence proved that honey bee existed in Europe 23 to 56 million years ago). Honey bee has been introduced to America by European settlers. Today, honey bee can be found at almost all continents. Honey bee is the only insect able to produce food that will be eaten by humans.
Interesting Honey bee Facts:
Honey bees live in highly organized society composed of worker bees, drones and queen. Each type of honey bee can be easily recognized because it has specific appearance, body coloration and function.
Worker bees are the most numerous members of the hive. One hive can have up to 40 000 worker bees. They collect nectar and pollen and produce honey.
Drones are born from unfertilized eggs. There is couple of hundreds male drones in the hive. Main function of drones is to mate with the queen.
Hive has only one queen that is responsible for lying of eggs. Queen is able to produce 2000 eggs per day and 200 000 eggs per year.
Each honey bee has six legs, pair of compound eyes, wings, nectar pouch and abdomen.
Honey bee has large, hairy, compound eyes and excellent eyesight.
Honey bees can be easily recognized even from a distance via buzzing sound that is consequence of 11 400 wing strokes in a minute.
Each hive has specific smell which originates from pheromones (chemical signals produced by queen). This odor facilitates recognition of honey bees when they are outside the hive.
Worker bees travel up to 6 miles at the speed of 15 miles per hour when they are searching for the pollen and nectar.
During one trip, worker bee visits between 50 and 100 flowers.
Honey produced in the hive is collected in the hexagonal cell made of wax. Honey bees have eight glands on the stomach which secrete substance used in the production of wax.
One honey bee is able to produce 1/12 of the teaspoon of honey in her lifetime.
Only worker bees and queen have stingers. Stingers are used for self-defense. Since queen never leaves the hive, she does not sting. Worker bees can sting when they are threatened. They will die immediately afterwards.
Honey bees communicate using specific dance. Flight performed in a certain manner informs other members of the hive about good source of pollen or potential danger.
Lifespan of honey bees depends on the type of a bee. Drones die immediately after mating. Worker bees live between 4 and 6 weeks, depending on the season and the amount of work. Queen can survive up to five years.

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