Keel-billed toucan Facts

Keel-billed toucan Facts
Keel-billed toucan is large South American bird that belongs to the family of toucans. It can be found from southern Mexico to northern Columbia. Keel-billed toucan inhabits tropical and subtropical rainforests (from the lowlands to the altitude of 6.200 feet). Major threats for the survival of keel-billed toucan are habitat destruction and uncontrolled hunting (because of the meat and beak). Despite these factors, keel-billed toucan is still widespread and numerous in the wild.
Interesting Keel-billed toucan Facts:
Keel-billed toucan can reach 17 to 22 inches in height and 4.7 to 8.8 pounds of weight.
Keel-billed toucan has black body and yellow face and throat with green skin around eyes. Tip of a tail is red and feet are blue-colored.
Keel-billed toucan has beautifully colored bill that is combination of green, yellow, orange and red color, hence the nickname rainbow-billed toucan.
Bill is usually 4.7 to 5.9 inches long (nearly 1/3 of body length). Even though it is very large, bill is not heavy. It is made of light-weight protein called keratin and its internal structure is spongy. Bill doesn't affect stability of the bird. It probably plays important role during the mating season and serves as a weapon against predators.
Keel-billed toucan is not very good flyer. It moves mostly via hopping (from branch to branch).
Keel-billed toucan is an omnivore. Its diet is based mostly on the fruit and berries. Eggs, insects, lizards and frogs are occasionally on the menu.
Keel-billed toucan lives in the tree holes together with 5 to 6 other birds. They all sleep with bills tucked under the body to make room for other birds in the group.
Keel-billed toucan is very social and playful bird. It travels through the jungle in groups of 6 to 15 birds, throws fruit into the mouth of other birds and uses beak to "fight" with its playmates.
Keel-billed toucans use loud, frog-like calls (that can be heard 0.5 mile away) for communication.
Natural enemies of keel-billed toucans are birds of prey and humans. Snakes, monkeys, weasels and other birds prey on eggs.
Keel-billed toucans are monogamous birds that mate from March to June.
Female lays 1 to 4 eggs in the cavities of trees. Both male and female take part in the incubation of eggs that lasts 16 to 20 days.
Hatchlings are naked and blind at birth. Both parents provide food for their chicks until they become ready to leave the nest at the age of 8 to 9 weeks. Keel-billed toucans reach sexual maturity at the age of 3 to 4 years.
Keel-billed toucan is national bird of Belize. People in some parts of Central and South America avoid keel-billed toucans due to widespread belief that these birds are associated with demons and evil spirits.
Keel-billed toucan can survive 15 to 20 years in the wild.

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Toucan Facts