Kiang Facts

Kiang Facts
Kiang is a type of Asian wild ass. There are three subspecies of kiang that inhabit Himalayan plateau. They can be also found in China, India, Pakistan and Nepal. Kiang prefers life in open terrains, such as alpine meadows, steppe and valleys located at high altitude (13 000 - 23 000 feet). Since these places are often inaccessible for scientists, only few things are known about this species. For this reason (minimal exploitation of nature by humans), kiang is not endangered. Number of kiangs in the wild is large and stable.
Interesting Kiang Facts:
Kiang is a large animal. It can reach the length of 6.9 feet, weighing from 550 to 970 pounds. Males are larger than females. They have 20 inches long tail.
Kiang is covered with brown coat. Lower side of the neck and body is white. This animal can be easily recognized since it has dark brown line that is located centrally on their back.
Color and thickness of the coat depends on the season. Reddish brown, short coat can be seen during the summer. Coat becomes thicker, longer and darker during the winter.
Kiang has big head and blunt muzzle. Its head resembles head of a horse.
Kiang has dark brown mane. Hair of the mane is short and stands upright.
Teeth and lips of kiang are adapted for tearing and chewing of tough vegetation. Kiang eats different kind of grasses, shrubs and roots.
Kiang occasionally drinks water. More frequently, kiang absorbs required moisture from the food (various grasses). This is adaptation to the life in dry habitats with scarce sources of water.
Females live in large groups that include their offspring. These groups sometimes can have couple of hundreds of members. Young males live in smaller groups, while older males live solitary life.
Males occupy territory of 0.5 to 5 square miles. Male will defend his territory from other males by using his legs (to kick) and teeth (to bite).
Main predators of kiang are humans and grey wolves.
Life in a group ensures greater protection against predators. Kiangs will position themselves in a circle, put their head down and start kicking predators with their legs. Because of that, wolves usually hunt solitary kiangs.
Mating season takes place from July to August. Males will fight with each other to prove their dominance and to get opportunity to male.
Pregnancy in females lasts one year and ends up with a single baby (foal). Females usually give birth once in two years.
Young kiangs are able to walk from the moment of birth. Scientists are not sure when kiangs reach sexual maturity, but they believe that it happens between the 3rd and 4th year (like in the closely related species).
Kiang can survive up to 20 years in the wild and 30 years in captivity.

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