Kinkajou Facts

Kinkajou Facts
Kinkajou is a type of small mammal that belongs to the family of raccoons. There are seven subspecies of kinkajou that can be found in southern parts of Mexico and in Central and South America. Kinkajou inhabits tropical rainforests, mountain forests and dry forests. These animals are kept as house pets in some countries. Deforestation and hunting (because of the fur and meat) are main factors which decrease number of kinkajous in the wild. Luckily, population of kinkajous is large and stable and these animals are not on the list of endangered species.
Interesting Kinkajou Facts:
Kinkajou can reach 16 to 30 inches in length and 3 to 10 pounds of weight. Tail is usually 15 to 22 inches long.
Kinkajou has woolly fur that consists of golden outer coat and gray undercoat.
Kinkajou has large eyes, small ears and short legs with sharp claws on the feet. It is also known as honey bear because it looks like a bear cub that likes to eat honey.
Kinkajou can rotate ankles on the hind feet backwards to facilitate movement in the treetops and up and down along the tree trunk.
Kinkajou has prehensile tail that acts like additional arm. Tail holds the branches and provides balance when kinkajou moves in the treetops and serves as a blanket when animal sleeps (it wraps the body with tail during sleep).
Kinkajou is nocturnal creature (active during the night). It hides from the light in tree holes during the day.
Kinkajou is an omnivore (it eats plants and meat). 90% of its diet consists of fruit such as figs, melons, mangoes, apples and bananas. It also eats insects, birds and their eggs and small mammals.
Kinkajou uses 5 inches long, skinny tongue to extract nectar from the flowers. It collects and transfers pollen from one flower to another while drinking nectar and contributes to successful pollination of flowers.
Main predators of kinkajous are jaguars, ocelots, tayras, foxes and harpy eagles.
Kinkajou is solitary creature but it sometimes forages and sleeps in small groups. Mutual grooming is often seen in the groups.
Kinkajou is able to bark, scream, hiss and produce high-pitched squeaks. This animal is also known as "la llorona" or "crying woman" (in Spanish) due to unusual noise it produces.
Kinkajou is territorial animal. It uses glands located near the mouth, throat and belly to mark its territory.
Kinkajous are able to reproduce all year round. Pregnancy lasts 112 to 118 days and ends with one, rarely two cubs. Babies are blind, deaf and helpless at birth. Mother is very protective and she travel with baby attached to her belly wherever she goes.
Male kinkajous reach sexual maturity at the age of 18 months, females at the age of 30 months.
Kinkajous can survive from 20 to 25 years in the captivity.

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