Mosquito Facts

Mosquito Facts
Mosquito is one of the most dangerous insects in the world. There are over 3000 species of mosquitoes that can be found all over the world. Mosquitoes inhabit all kind of habitats that provide enough moisture and food. Fossil evidences indicate that they exist on the planet at least 79 million years. Besides humans, many animal species are on a target of blood-sucking mosquitoes. These animals transmit numerous dangerous diseases that kill millions of people each year. Every 45 seconds, one child in Africa dies due to malaria. People use chemical repellents and drainage of wet habitats in the fight against mosquitoes. Unfortunately, mosquitoes are still numerous and widely spread in the wild.
Interesting Mosquito Facts:
Mosquito is a miniature insect that can reach up to ¾ inch in length and 0.000088 ounces of weight.
Body of mosquito is divided in three segments: head, thorax and abdomen.
Mosquito has a pair of antenna on its head. They detect odors which facilitate identification of the prey and sites that are suitable for breeding.
Mosquitoes have large compound eyes that are composed of huge number of individual lenses.
Mosquitoes have six legs and one pair of wings. They move their wings 450 to 600 times in just one second, which creates typical buzzing sound.
Mosquitoes fly at a speed of only 1 to 1.5 miles per hour. They can travel up to 7.5 miles per night.
Mosquitoes are crepuscular animals (they are active mostly at dusk and dawn).
Mosquitoes transmit numerous diseases such as malaria, dengue and yellow fever, encephalitis, elephantiasis and West Nile virus.
Mosquitoes detect their victims by the body odor, temperature and exhaled carbon dioxide from a distance of 70 feet.
Scientists discovered that certain types of food such as mint, fruit and caramelized chocolate may alter mosquito’s sensitivity to a carbon dioxide and potentially save the victim from mosquito’s bite. People that like to drink beer are especially attractive to mosquitoes.
Only female mosquitoes suck blood. They require proteins from blood for development of eggs. Male mosquitoes feed on pollen and nectar.
Biting apparatus of females consists of two tubes. One tube releases enzyme which prevents clotting of the blood during the meal. Other tube is used for sucking of the blood.
Red, itchy bump on the skin (that can be seen after mosquito bite) represents allergic reaction to the saliva of mosquito.
Mosquito undergoes 4 developmental stages in their life cycle: eggs, larvae, pupa and adult insect. Development depends on the environmental conditions and temperature. It may last from 5 to 40 days. First three developmental stages take place in the water. Because of that, people try to eradicate mosquitoes by destroying their wet habitats.
Lifespan of mosquito depends on the species. It may last from several weeks to few months.

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