Northern mockingbird Facts
Northern mockingbird Facts
Interesting Northern mockingbird Facts: |
Northern mockingbird can reach 8.1 to 11 inches in length and 1.4 to 2 ounces of weight. Males are slightly larger than females. |
Northern mockingbird is covered with grey plumage on dorsal side of the body and pale grey or white plumage on ventral side of the body. Tail is black and has white outer feathers. Wings are covered with two white bars that become prominent during the flight. |
Northern mockingbird has short, straight, black-colored bill. Eyes are yellowish green, yellow or orange colored. Northern mockingbird has long legs and wingspan of 12 to 15 inches. |
Northern mockingbird is diurnal animal (active during the day). |
Northern mockingbird is an omnivore (it consumes plants and meat). It eats insects and worms during the spring and summer, and fruit and berries during the autumn and winter. |
Northern mockingbird is scientifically known as Mimus polyglottos, which means "many-tongued mimic" in Latin language. Name refers to the ability of bird to produce numerous calls and mimic various birds, animals and artificially made sounds (such as car alarms). |
Northern mockingbirds are able to produce up to 200 different calls. Their songs are composed of phrases that repeat 2 to 6 times. Males sing more than females and they are especially loud during the breeding season when they sing both during the day and night. |
Northern mockingbirds are very smart animals. They are able to identify humans, especially those that tried to destroy their nests. |
Northern mockingbird is migratory bird. It overwinters in the southern parts of the USA. |
Mating season of northern mockingbird takes place during the spring and summer. |
Males arrive to the breeding grounds before females to establish their territories. They circulate in the air above their territory showing beautiful markings on the wings. Males also sing various songs as part of courtship ritual. |
Northern mockingbirds mate for a lifetime. Male and female build nest together and produce 2 to 4 broods per season. Female lays 2 to 6 green eggs with red-brown spots. Eggs hatch after incubation of 2 weeks. |
Chicks of northern mockingbird are helpless at birth. Both parents participate in feeding and rearing of chicks. Young birds are ready for the independent life 10 days after birth. |
Northern mockingbird reaches sexual maturity at the age of 1 year. |
Northern mockingbird can survive 8 years in the wild and up to 20 years in the captivity. |
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