Ovenbird Facts

Ovenbird Facts
Ovenbird is songbird that belongs to the family of New World warblers. There are three subspecies of ovenbird that can be found in North and South America and occasionally in Europe. Ovenbird inhabits deciduous, mixed and coniferous forests and areas near the streams. It spends most of its life on the forest floor. Habitat destruction, brood parasitism and collisions with tall towers (during migration) are the greatest threats for the survival of ovenbirds in the wild. Luckily, these birds are still numerous and widespread in their native habitats (they are not on the list of endangered species).
Interesting Ovenbird Facts:
Ovenbird can reach 5 inches in length and 0.6 to 1 ounce of weight.
Ovenbird has olive-brown back. Bottom side of the body is white colored. Reddish-orange crown on top of the head is bordered with thick, black lines. Eyes are encircled with white rings. White chest and lateral sides are covered with black stripes and spots. Female are slightly duller in color.
Ovenbird has small body with brown eyes, dark brown bill and pink legs.
Ovenbird is an omnivore (it eats both plants and meat). Its diet is based mostly on insects such as flies, butterflies, ants and beetles. Ovenbird occasionally consumes seed.
Natural enemies of ovenbirds are snakes, blue jays, owls, squirrels, raccoons, skunks, weasels and chipmunks.
Ovenbirds migrate toward the south (wintering grounds) at the beginning of the autumn.
Ovenbird is very loud during the breeding season. Neighboring males often sing in unison to attract females. They can sing up to 40 songs in a row.
Mating season of ovenbirds takes place during the April and May. Ovenbirds usually inhabit slopes and uplands during this period.
Pair of birds occupies and defends their territory during the breeding season.
Ovenbird builds nest on the ground. Female collects grass, twigs, stem, bark and animal hairs and weaves cup-shaped nest. She uses branches and leaves to cover open surface of the nest. Construction of the nest lasts 5 days and leads to formation of dome-shaped nest with side entrance.
Name "ovenbird" refers to the shape of nest which looks like, old-fashioned, outdoor bread oven (also known as Dutch oven).
Female lays 3 to 6 eggs usually during the May and June. They hatch after 12 days. Only female takes part in the incubation of eggs.
Brown-headed cowbirds often deposit eggs in the nests of ovenbirds. Since ovenbirds cannot recognize foreign eggs, they frequently lose their own offspring.
Chicks are helpless and blind at birth. Both parents provide food for their chicks. Young ovenbirds are ready to leave the nest at the age of 7 to 10 days. Few days later, they learn to fly. At the age of 30 days, they become ready for the independent life.
Ovenbird can survive 7 to 11 years in the wild.

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