Pallas's cat Facts

Pallas's cat Facts
Pallas's cat, also known as manual, is a type of wild cat. There are 3 subspecies of Pallas's cats that can be found in Central Asia. Pallas's cat inhabits steppes, alpine deserts and rocky areas. They can survive on the altitude of 13.000 feet. Number of Pallas's cats in the wild is dropping as a result of poaching (because of their fur), habitat loss and organized poisoning of pica - their main prey. Pallas's cats are listed as near threatened, which mean that they can become endangered in the near future.
Interesting Pallas's cat Facts:
Pallas's cat can reach 18 to 26 inches in length and 5.5 to 10 pounds of weight. Tail is usually 8.3 to 12.2 inches long.
Color of the fur depends on the season. Pallas's cat is covered with silver grey coat during the winter and grey-reddish fur during the summer. Black spots can be seen on the forehead, black stripes on the cheeks and black, concentric bands on the tail. White-tipped hairs provide frosty appearance.
Pallas's cat has the longest fur of all cat species. Dense, long coat (especially on the stomach and tail) prevents loss of body heat in the ice-cold environment.
Pallas's cat has flattened face and large eyes with circular pupils (most cats have vertical pupils).
Pallas's cat has small, low positioned ears. Thanks to camouflaging colors of the fur and size and position of the ears, prey hardly identifies Pallas's cats in the open steppes.
Pallas's cat is crepuscular animal (active at dusk and dawn).
Pallas's cat is a carnivore (meat-eater). Its diet is based on picas, voles, ground squirrels, birds, lizards and insects.
Pallas's cat hunts as an ambush predator (using the element of surprise) or it waits near the burrows until the prey appears.
Pallas's cat sleeps during the day in the caves, rock crevices or abandoned burrows of various mammals.
Pallas's cat is territorial animal. Males occupy larger territories than females. Size of territory depends on the habitat. It can range from 8 to 100 square miles. Pallas's cats use scent to mark their territories.
Pallas's cats produce various sounds for communication. They are able to purr, yelp and growl.
Pallas's cat is solitary creature except during the mating season which takes place from February to March.
Pregnancy in females lasts 66 to 75 days and ends with 3 to 6 kittens. Babies are covered with dense, fuzzy fur at birth. They remain hidden in the sheltered dens during the first few weeks of their life.
At the age of 4 months, Pallas's cats are ready to join their mother in hunt. Pallas's cats reach sexual maturity at the age of 10 to 11 months.
Pallas's cat can survive 8 to 10 years in the wild and up to 11 years in captivity.

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