Peregrine falcon Facts

Peregrine falcon Facts
Peregrine falcon is a bird of prey that belongs to the family of falcons. There are 19 subspecies of peregrine falcons that can be found on all continents, except on the Antarctica. Peregrine falcons can survive in tropical jungles, deserts, savannas, cold tundra, islands, grasslands, mountains and urban areas. Number of peregrine falcons in the wild drastically declined during the mid-20th century due to pollution of the ground with DDT (strong insecticide which induces thinning of eggshell). Luckily, population of peregrine falcons recuperated as soon as DDT was banned and these birds are numerous and widespread today.
Interesting Peregrine falcon Facts:
Peregrine falcon can reach 14.2 to 19.3 inches in length and 18.7 to 56.4 ounces of weight. Females are larger than males.
Peregrine falcon has bluish-black or slate grey backs and wings covered with dark stripes. Throat and bottom side of the body are white or rusty-colored and covered with brown spots.
Peregrine falcon has curved beak, sharp talons, pointed wings, stocky body and long tail.
Peregrine falcon is the fastest bird on the planet. It can reach the speed of 200 miles per hour when it chases the prey.
Peregrine falcon is a carnivore which hunts and eats various songbirds, ducks, bats, rabbits and rodents. It catches the prey in the mid-air or collects it from the ground.
Peregrine falcon sometimes steals the prey from the feet of other raptors.
Natural enemies of peregrine falcons are gyrfalcons, eagles and large owls.
Latin name of the bird - "Peregrinus", means "wanderer". Name refers to the fact these birds travel up to 15.500 miles per year during the migration.
Mating season of peregrine falcons takes place during the March and May. Males perform various acrobatics in the air and produce loud calls to attract the females. Courtship lasts up to one month.
Peregrine falcons mate for a lifetime (monogamous bird) and visit same nesting areas during their entire life. Nests are usually located on the tall buildings, bridges, churches, towers or in the caves on the cliffs in the wild.
Female lays 3 to 4 eggs that hatch after 29 to 34 days. Both parents participate in the incubation of eggs. They provide food for the chicks until they become ready to fend for themselves.
Chicks, also known as eyases have ferocious appetite. They are able to increase their weight tenfold in just three weeks.
Chicks learn to fly at the age of 42 days, but they are not ready for the independent life at least few more months. Peregrine falcon reaches sexual maturity at the age of 2 years.
Falconers are people who raise falcons and train them to hunt. This sport (also known as falconry) is more than 1.000 years old.
Peregrine falcon can survive up to 20 years in the wild.

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