Rainbow trout Facts

Rainbow trout Facts
Rainbow trout is a member of salmon family. There are 15 subspecies of rainbow trout that are native to western parts of North America. Rainbow trout can be found on all continents except on the Antarctica today. These fish inhabit cold streams and rivers, while some subspecies spend part of their life in the ocean. They live on a gravelly bottom with enough vegetation that provides shelter. Rainbow trout are popular game fish. They are also important food source for humans. Because of that, rainbow trout are often cultivated in aquacultures (commercial farms) throughout the world. Despite increased demand for rainbow trout, their number is still high and stable in the wild. These animals are not on the list of endangered species.
Interesting Rainbow trout Facts:
Rainbow trout can reach 16 inches in length and 2 to 8 pounds of weight. Largest recorded specimen had 48 pounds of weight.
Dorsal side of the body of adult fish is usually brown, olive green or blue green in color. Reddish line stretches along the lateral side of the body. Belly is silver or pearly white in color. Upper part of the body, fins and tail are covered with black spots.
Some rainbow trout spend part of their life in the ocean. They are called anadromous or steelhead trout. Their body is almost entirely silver.
Rainbow trout have strong and muscular, torpedo-shaped body. Tail is partially forked.
Rainbow trout are indicators of water pollution because they can survive only in clean waters.
Rainbow trout eat different types of small fish, eggs, insects and their larvae, crustaceans and carcasses.
Natural enemies of rainbow trout are large fish, raccoons, eagles and herons.
Humans consume rainbow trout because of their delicious meat that is rich source of omega-3 fatty acids.
Color of the flesh depends on the habitat and nutrition. It can be white, pink, orange or dark red in color.
At the age of 3 to 4 years, rainbow trout reach sexual maturity. They spawn in the streams where they were born.
Spawning takes place in the cold waters (6 to 7 degrees of Celsius) during the spring.
Female forms a nest in gravel using her tail and lays from 200 to 8000 eggs. Male deposits sperm over the eggs. Fertilized eggs will be covered with gravel and left on their own.
Incubation period lasts from 4 to 7 weeks, depending on the water temperature. Newly hatched rainbow trout feed on the remains of yolk during the first two weeks of their life. After that period, they will start consuming zooplankton
Juvenile fish develop dark vertical stripes called "parr" on the lateral sides of their body. At this stage, rainbow trout are known as "parr" or fingerlings, because they are long as human finger.
Rainbow trout can survive from 4 to 6 years in the wild.

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