Saw-shelled turtle Facts

Saw-shelled turtle Facts
Saw-shelled turtle, also known as serrated snapping turtle, is a reptile that belongs to the family of Austro-South American side-neck turtles. It exists on the planet very long period of time (belongs to the group of ancient turtles). Saw-shelled turtle can be found only in Australia (endemic species). It inhabits freshwater streams, oxbow lakes, lagoons, swamps and creeks on the eastern coast of Australia. Exact number of remained saw-shelled turtles in the wild is unknown (they are yet to be evaluated and classified).
Interesting Saw-shelled turtle Facts:
Saw-shelled turtle can reach 7 to 11 inches in length. Males are much smaller than females.
Body of saw-shelled turtle is covered with tough shield. Upper part of the shield, called carapace, can be olive green, brown or black colored. It is usually covered with dark blotches. Bottom part of the shell, called plastron, is yellowish in color.
Saw-shelled turtle has large head covered with horny plates and prominent snout. It has broad, oval-shaped shell (broadest in the second part).
Rear part of the shell of saw-shelled turtle is serrated on the edges, hence the name "saw-shelled".
Saw-shelled turtle has short neck covered with pointed tubercules which are equipped with sensory pits on the apical part. Saw-shelled turtle can easily bend its neck sideways.
Saw-shelled turtle belongs to the genus "Myuchelys", coined from the Aboriginal word "myuna" (which means "clear water"), and Greek word "chelys" (which means "turtle"). Name refers to clear rivers and streams, where this turtle can be found.
Saw-shelled turtle spends most of its life in the water. It has webbed feet which facilitate swimming and diving. Saw-shelled turtle can stay under the water long period of time due to ability to absorb oxygen through the skin and cloaca.
Saw-shelled turtle is extremely good climber. It can easily climb over the obstacles of 79 inches.
Saw-shelled turtle is a carnivore (meat-eater). Its diet is based on fish, crustaceans, mollusks, frogs, tadpoles and aquatic insects. People appreciate saw-shelled turtle because of its ability to eat and reduce number of cane toads (non-native species of toads which eliminates native plants and animals). Saw-shelled turtle uses large claws to shred large prey (such as toads) before swallowing.
Saw-shelled turtle emits strong smell to deter predators.
Saw-shelled turtle is not aggressive by nature, but it can bite in self-defense.
Mating season of saw-shelled turtles takes place from September to January.
Female lays 3 to 4 clutches of 9 to 36 eggs per season. Eggs hatch after 54 to 62 days at temperature of 28 degrees of Celsius. Incubation period lasts shorter in southern parts of the range.
Saw-shelled turtles are born with serrated hind legs. They become smooth when young animals reach maturity.
Saw-shelled turtle can survive 30 to 75 years in the captivity.

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