Warthog Facts

Warthog Facts
Warthog is a member of pig family. This animal can be found only in Africa, in areas located south of Sahara. Warthog lives in arid and moist savannas, in open plains and grasslands. Unlike most animals, warthogs can survive in areas without water supply from several months to up to one year. The greatest threats to the survival of warthogs are droughts and hunting. At the moment, warthogs are not listed as endangered species.
Interesting Warthog Facts:
Warthogs can reach 4 to 6 feet in length and between 110 and 260 pounds of weight. Males are 20 to 50 pounds heavier than females.
Warthogs are named that way because of the wart-like bumps on their large, elongated face.
Warthogs can be grey to black in color. Their skin is covered with sparse bristles. Just like horses, warthogs have manes.
Warthogs have 2 pair of tusks. Upper tusks are longer and they curve toward each other. They are used in the fights during the mating season and for the protection against predators.
Warthogs have long tail that ends with tuft. Warthogs keep their tails in the upright position when they are running. In that position, tail looks like a flag on the wind.
Although they look like slow animals, warthogs can run up to 30 miles per hour.
Main predators of warthogs are lions and leopards. In the case of predator attack, warthogs will hide in the underground hole and expose their sharp tusks to protect against predator.
Warthogs have scary appearance, but they are very peaceful and they will avoid confrontation whenever possible.
Warthog eats grass and uses its long snout to dig ground in search for underground tubers, bulbs and roots. Warthogs have padded knees that enable them to eat grass in the kneeling position.
Warthog has poor eyesight, but excellent senses of smell and hearing.
Warthogs produce different type of sounds (depending on the occasion). During mating season, males produce grunting sounds. When threatened, warthogs squeal to inform other members of the group about the upcoming danger.
Warthogs live in smaller groups composed of female and her offspring. Group of warthogs are known as sounder. Males are solitary. They join the group only during mating season.
Warthogs mate at the end of rainy season, or at the beginning of dry season. Pregnancy lasts 5 to 6 months and ends with 4 babies. Female have 4 teats, but each baby uses exclusively its own teat. Even if one baby dies, "free" teat cannot be taken by other babies.
Young warthogs drink milk 4 months, but they will enrich their diet with grass as soon as they reach the age of two months. Youngsters will stay with their mother until the birth of the next litter.
Average lifespan of warthog is 15 years in the wild.

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