Daniel Boone Facts
Daniel Boone Facts
Interesting Daniel Boone Facts: |
Nobody is certain whether Daniel Boone was born on October 22nd, 1734 or November 22nd, 1734. |
Daniel Boone's father was a Quaker weaver and blacksmith, and a farmer. |
Daniel learned how to chop wood by the time he was five. By the age of 10 he was caring for his father's cows. |
Daniel Boone became friends with the Delaware Indians as a child. They taught him survivor skills and he even began to dress like them. |
Daniel Boone gained a reputation as the best sharpshooter in the land after moving to North Carolina. |
Daniel Boone served in the French and Indian War (1754 = 1763) on the British side. |
Daniel married Rebecca Bryan on August 14th, 1756. Rebecca's brother was married to one of Daniel Boone's sisters. |
Daniel and Rebecca had 10 children. One of Daniel and Rebecca's grandsons Enoch Boone became the first white man to be born in Kentucky. |
Daniel Boone led an expedition into Kentucky in 1769, during which he discovered the Cumberland Gap. This gap was a narrow passage through the Appalachian Mountains. On the other side was perfect farming land and plenty of game. |
The Shawnee Indians captured Daniel Boone and sent him home, warning him not to return. |
In 1775 Daniel returned to Kentucky, built a road, fort, and settlement called Boonesborough. |
The road that Daniel Boone built in 1775 was called the ‘Wilderness Road'. |
During the Revolutionary War (1775 = 1783) Daniel Boone served as a mmilitia officer. |
The Indians tried to chase Daniel Boone away. They kidnapped his daughter but Daniel rescued her. |
The Indians also kidnapped Daniel Boone but he escaped. |
Daniel Boone and his family eventually to Missouri in 1799. |
Rebecca died in 1813. |
Daniel Boone died on September 26th, 1820 at the age of 85. He was buried next to his late wife. |
Daniel Boone's rifle was nicknamed ‘Ticklicker'. He was such a good shot that people joked that he could shoot a tick off of a bear's back. |
One of Daniel Boone's nicknames was the ‘Great Pathfinder'. |
Daniel Boone became famous internationally when his autobiography was published when he was fifty years old. It sold very well in Europe and at home. |
From 1964 to 1970 NBC aired a TV show about Daniel Boone (called Daniel Boone) that made him even more famous. |
Daniel Boone wore a beaver hat, not a coonskin cap as he is often portrayed. |
Daniel Boone is credited with exploration and settlement of the state of Kentucky. |
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