American Shorthair Facts

American Shorthair Facts
American Shorthair is medium to large cat that was created from working cats that were brought to the USA by European settlers at the beginning of the 17th century. Shorthair cats were used to keep population of rodents on the ships under control and they instantly became popular among Americans because of their excellent hunting skills and ability to quickly eliminate mice, rats, squirrels and chipmunks from the farms, shops and houses. American Shorthair was initially known as Domestic Shorthair, but its name has been changed to American Shorthair (in 1966) to facilitate identification of this purebred cat from the other shorthair cats of unknown lineage. American Shorthair is one of the first five officially recognized cat breeds and the 7th most popular cat in the USA today. Despite its excellent hunting skills, it is mostly kept as companion cat today.
Interesting American Shorthair Facts:
American Shorthair can reach 8 to 12 pounds of weight.
American Shorthair has thick, dense coat that is available in more than 60 colors and various patterns. Coat can be pure white, silver, cream, blue, reddish, golden, brown or black, or two- and tri-colored (silver tabby is the most popular).
American Shorthair has large head, full cheeks, wide muzzle and strong jaws. It has broad chest, sturdy, muscular body, thick legs and tail of medium length.
American Shorthair has large, wide eyes that can be blue, green, hazel, copper or gold-colored.
American Shorthair is an easy-going, calm and intelligent cat that is suitable for families with children and other cats and cat-friendly dogs. It is also an excellent choice for people that live alone.
American Shorthair builds strong bonds with all family members, but it is not clingy.
American Shorthair likes to play with its owners and with interactive and puzzle toys. It can learn to perform various tricks. American Shorthair is able to entertain itself by turning various household items into toys.
American Shorthair is not very vocal cat and it doesn't create mess in the house when it is left on its own. It likes to rest on the sunny windows and watch birds and other animals.
American Shorthair is not shy in front of the strangers and guests.
American Shorthair has thick coat that is suitable for outdoor living, but it is mostly kept as indoor cat today. Life inside the house ensures good health and prevents potential conflicts with other cats and dogs, as well as traffic accidents.
American Shorthair sheds moderately and it needs to be brushed few times per week to prevent formation of knots.
American Shorthair gives birth to 5 to 6 kittens on average.
American Shorthair is generally healthy breed, but it can suffer from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
American Shorthair requires well-organized meals because it easily gains weight.
American Shorthair has an average lifespan of 15 to 20 years.

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