Turkish Angora Facts
Turkish Angora Facts
Interesting Turkish Angora Facts: |
Turkish Angora can reach 5 to 9 pounds of weight. |
Turkish Angora has long, silky coat (without undercoat). Aside from the well-known solid white coat, Turkish Angora is available in 20 different colors and in various patterns (tortoiseshell, calico and tabby). |
Turkish Angora has wedge-shaped head, large, almond-shaped eyes, large, hairy ears, firm, long, muscular body, long legs with small, furry paws and long, bushy tail. |
Turkish Angora can have blue, green, amber or gold-colored eyes. Eyes of different color, known as odd-colored eyes (usually blue-green or green-amber eyes) are frequently seen in this breed. |
Turkish Angora is named after the city of its origin - Angora (known as Ankara today). |
Turkish Angora is one of the national treasures of Turkey. Breeding program established in 1917 in Ankara Zoo is working on the preservation of this breed. |
Turkish Angora is suitable for families with older children, other cats and cat-friendly dogs (especially if owners are frequently absent from the home). |
Turkish Angora is affectionate toward family members and friendly oriented toward strangers. |
Turkish Angora is very intelligent and highly agile cat that can easily climb to the highest point in the house and even open the doors. |
Turkish Angora is very active and playful cat. It doesn't hesitate to get into trouble to get the attention of its owners. Playful spirit is typical even for the old cats. Turkish Angora likes interactive games, puzzles, toys and it often requires a pal for playing. |
Unlike many cats, Turkish Angora likes water and it is an excellent swimmer. |
Turkish Angora gives birth to 4 kittens. Young Turkish Angora reach full length of the coat at the age of 2 years. |
Turkish Angora doesn't shed much, but it should be brushed each day to prevent tangling of fur. |
Turkish Angora is a natural breed (it is not created via cross-breeding) and it is generally very healthy (it can suffer from cardiac and neuromuscular disorders). Cats with one or two blue eyes are usually deaf. |
Turkish Angora has an average lifespan of 12 to 18 years. |
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