Turkish Van Facts
Turkish Van Facts
Interesting Turkish Van Facts: |
Turkish Van is large cat that can reach 10 to 18 pounds of weight. |
Turkish Van has long, cashmere-like, single coat that is waterproof. Coat is white-colored and covered with red, cream, blue, black or brown markings on the head and tail. This type of coloration is known as "Van pattern". |
According to the Jewish and Islamic legends, markings on the body of Turkish Van appeared on the places that were touched by God/Allah. Small mark between the shoulder blades is even known as "thumbprint of God" . |
Turkish Van has wedge-shaped head, rounded muzzle, rounded, blue or amber-colored eyes (or two eyes of different color), large, rounded ears, broad chest, long, heavily built body, long, muscular legs and brush-like tail. |
Turkish Van has pink nose that changes color to red when cat becomes angry. |
Turkish Van and Turkish Angora are morphologically similar cats. They can be differentiated by the color of the coat and body size (Turkish Van is larger). |
Turkish Van uses water to cool itself down during the hot summer months (especially in Turkey). Since it likes to spend time and to play in the water, it is also known as "swimming cat". |
Turkish Van is strong and agile, but clumsy cat which doesn't always land on its feet. Fragile items should be kept on the safe location because it can easily break them. |
Turkish Van is intelligent, energetic and friendly cat. It is suitable for families with active kids because it remains playful throughout the life. Turkish Van likes to play with teasers and balls. It also enjoys the company of other Turkish Vans in the household, as well as cat-friendly dogs. |
Turkish Van doesn't like to cuddle too much, but it likes to sit close to its favorite family member and to sleep with him/her. |
Turkish Van is the natural treasure of Turkey and a symbol of good luck. Ankara Zoo and Turkish College of Agriculture are working together on the preservation of this breed. |
Turkish Van has long fur that cannot be tangled easily. Weekly grooming is more than enough for this breed. |
Turkish Van gives birth to 2 to 5 kittens. They attain full size at the age of 3 and 5 years. |
Turkish Van is generally healthy breed, but it can suffer from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and car sickness. |
Turkish Van has an average lifespan of 12 to 17 years. |
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