The battle took place from December 11 through December 15, 1862.
It occurred in Fredericksburg, Tennessee and surrounding areas of Spotsylvania County.
The Confederates won the battle.
The Union's Army of the Potomac, under the command of Ambrose Burnside, fought Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia.
The Union had more than twice as many casualties as the Confederates: 12,600 to 5,300.
Over 200,000 men fought in the battle. This is the highest number of combatants of any battle in the Civil War.
The battle began when Union engineers laid five pontoon bridges that crossed the Rappahannock River. The engineers came under Confederate fire because delays in getting the bridges to the river allowed the Confederates time to get to the river.
Burnside's battle plan was already disrupted by the events at the Rappahannock. However, he felt compelled to continue because the U.S. was demanding to see some type of action and positive results in the war.
Burnside ordered 120,000 men to cross the river and attack the right and left flank of Lee's army. They were met by 80,000 of Lee's men, who held off the Union long enough to wait for reinforcements.
Two other armies joined Lee's army. This allowed the Confederate line to stretch for over three miles.
Most of the Union casualties occurred on Marye's Heights, where the Confederates had already taken a strong position.
Even though the Union was being soundly defeated, Burnside wanted to personally lead another attack on the Confederates on December 14. His subordinates talked him out of it, firmly believing it would be suicidal to launch an assault.
On December 15 and 16, Burnside was able to successfully lead the remainder of the Union troops on their retreat out of Fredericksburg and into Stafford Heights. The bridges over the Rappahannock were dismantled as they went.
The Confederates and people of the South were jubilant following the victory, while the Union and President Lincoln were heavily criticized for their loss. Lincoln was very upset at the outcome of the battle, saying, "If there is a place worse than hell, I am in it."
Still, the Confederates had a difficult time replenishing the troops and supplies lost in the battle. The Union did not and while the battle was a moral victory for the Confederates, it did little to help them in the war.