Mongolia used to be known as Outer Mongolia.
The capital city of Mongolia is Ulaanbaatar, which translates to mean 'red hero'. In 2008 the population of the capital was 1 million. The average temperature in the capital is -1 degree Celsius.
Mongolia has the lowest population density of any country in the world.
Mongolia is landlocked by China and Russia. It is the second largest landlocked country in the world, after Kazakhstan.
Mongolia encompasses an area of 603,909 square miles.
The population of Mongolia in 2016 is estimated to be more than 3 million people.
Mongolian horsemen are believed to have invented ice cream more than 700 years ago. They were carrying cream in containers on horseback in the winter across the Gobi Desert and it shook until it became ice cream.
Sheep outnumber humans in Mongolia 35 to 1.
There are 13 times more horses living in Mongolia than people.
The Bactrian camel (two humped camel) is a species of camel native to Mongolia.
Mongols have a type of singing called throat singing. This makes it possible to make two sounds at the same time in one's throat.
One- third of the world's population of snow leopards lives in Mongolia. The snow leopard is also native to Mongolia.
More than one-third of Mongolia's population is under the age of 18.
Mongolia gets on average 266 days of sunshine each year. Because of this Mongolia is often referred to as the 'Land of the Blue Sky'.
Many people in Mongolia live in yurts, or 'ger' which is a traditional shelter for the Mongols.
Mongolia only has one university. It is called Mongolia State University. It opened in 1942.
The oldest Buddhist monastery in Mongolia is Erdene Zuu Monastery, built in 1586.
Although accepted into the United Nations in 1961, more than 100 countries refused to recognize it as a country until 1987.
The first United States president to visit Mongolia while in office was George W. Bush, in 2005.
The national dish in Mongolia is buuz, which is a steamed dumpling filled with mutton or beef.
War, salty milk tea is common in Mongolia.
Just outside of the capital city of Mongolia is a statue of Genghis Khan atop a horse. It is 131 feet tall and the tallest statue in the world of a horse.
The first dinosaur eggs found in the world were found in the Gobi Desert in the 1920s.