Gaelic Culture Facts

Gaelic Culture Facts
Gaelic culture originated in Ireland, and was influenced by the Normans, the Vikings, the Lowland Scots, and the English. It extended from Ireland into western Scotland and was dominant in the Middle Ages in Scotland and remained strong in Ireland despite conflicts with Anglo-Normans in the 1100s. In the 1600s the English took over Ireland and in the centuries that followed English replaced much of the Gaelic language. Despite attempts to wipe of Gaelic culture it remains strong in Irish, Manx, and Scottish cultures today. Large populations of Gaelic speaking people can be found in Cork, Dublin, Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Nova Scotia.
Interesting Gaelic Culture Facts:
Early Gaels included the Heremonians, Heberians, Irians, and Ithians.
Gaelic culture encompasses the dance, history, traditions, music, and languages of the Gaels.
Gaelic culture and ancient narratives traces its roots to Goidel Glas, a Scythian prince who is believed to have created the Gaelic languages.
The Gaels wandered for centuries in Egypt, Crete, Getulia, and Scythis before Galica was founded by the King Breogan in Iberia.
The Gaels sailed from Iberia to Ireland,
A group of kin in the Gaelic culture is known as a clan.
Gaelic languages fall under the Celtic languages. Gaelic languages are considered endangered today.
Gaelic culture can be found in countries all over the world including in the United States, Canada, China, and France.
In Gaelic culture harvest season is marked by the festival known as Lughnasa or Lughnasadh. Originally it was held on August 1st but switched to the Sunday closest to August 1st.
In Gaelic culture the end of harvest season is marked by the festival known as Samhain. It is held from October 31st to November 1st each year.
In Gaelic culture the beginning of spring is marked by the festival known as Imbolc, or Imbolg. It is commonly held on February 1st.
In Gaelic culture the beginning of summer is marked by the festival known as Beltane. It is usually held on May 1st each year.
An old marriage proposal tradition in Gaelic culture involved a man throwing his hat into the house of the woman he wished to marry. If she threw it back out her answer was no.
In Gaelic culture in ancient Ireland women had joint rights to land, property, livestock, and money.
Sports traditional to the Gaelic culture include Gaelic football (soccer), and hurling.
The Celtic cross is a Gaelic symbol, but became to be associated with all Celtics. Some believe that the ring on Celtic cross is a halo representing Jesus, while others believe it represents Invictus, the Roman sun god.
Christianity reached Ireland in the 400s, but it retained several elements of the Gaelic culture in early times.
In the 1800s there was a Gaelic revival effort. The Manx language of the Gaelic culture was almost lost when the last native speaker died in the 1970s, however it is being taught as a second language in all schools.
One of the most popular holidays in Ireland is Saint Patrick's Day, held each year on March 17th.

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