English Springer Spaniel Facts

English Springer Spaniel Facts
English Springer Spaniel is medium-sized gun dog that belongs to the group of Sporting Dogs. Spaniels originate from Spain, but many of them, including English Springer Spaniel were created in England. Old version of English Springer Spaniel exists since the 16th century. This breed was brought to perfection and became popular as show dog during the 19th century. English Springer Spaniel is still frequently use as a working and show dog, but it is also very popular as a house pet today.
Interesting English Springer Spaniel Facts:
English Springer Spaniel can reach 18 to 22 inches in height and 45 to 55 pounds of weight.
English Springer Spaniel has thick double coat of medium length. Straight or wavy coat is black, liver (deep reddish-brown) or blue-colored with white markings, or tricolored: black/white or liver/white with tan markings.
English Springer Spaniel has pointed muzzle, long, frilled ears, compact body and long legs.
English Springer Spaniel can be divided in two groups based on the morphology and hunting skills: Field Springer and Show Springer. Field Springer has shorter coat, lighter built, shorter ears, more pointed nose, keen sense of smell and excellent hunting skills. Show Springer has longer coat, longer ears and square-shaped muzzle. It is much slower and less methodical in the field compared with Field Springer.
Name "Springer" refers to the ability of English Springer Spaniel to "spring" (push) birds and small animals from the woodlands toward the open area where hunters can easily shoot them.
English Springer Spaniel was initially known as "Norfolk Spaniel" after Dukes of Norfolk that were responsible for the creation of this breed.
English Springer Spaniel is smart dog that is eager to please. It enjoys the company of people and it can be good choice for families with older children and other pets.
English Springer Spaniel is not very good as a guard dog because it easily builds friendly bonds with strangers.
English Springer Spaniel has plenty of energy and it enjoys to run, walk and swim (without adequate amount of exercise it becomes destructive and nervous). Aside from playing in the backyard, it requires long walks to remain healthy and fit.
English Springer Spaniel can achieve good results at the competitions in agility, obedience, tracking and hunting.
English Springer Spaniel can be used as a therapy dog, sniffer dog (to detect explosives and weapons, blood, humans and bumblebee nests) and as a search-and-rescue dog.
English Springer Spaniel needs to be brushed 3 times per week to prevent tangling of fur
English Springer Spaniel gives birth to 5 to 6 puppies on average.
English Springer Spaniel is generally healthy breed, but it can suffer from hip dysplasia, ocular and skin disorders and rage syndrome (occasionally seen in Show Springer).
English Springer Spaniel has an average lifespan of 9 to 15 years.

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