Lhasa Apso Facts

Lhasa Apso Facts
Lhasa Apso is small dog that belongs to the group of Non-Sporting dog. It is one of the oldest dog breeds (ranked 14th out of 400 breeds) that haven't changed much since it was created, around 800 years BC. Lhasa Apso originates from Tibet where it served as a watchdog in the palaces and monasteries for thousands of years. Despite its long history, Lhasa Apso has been introduced to Europe and America "recently" (in the first half of the 20th century), where it is mostly kept as a companion and show dog today.
Interesting Lhasa Apso Facts:
Lhasa Apso can reach 9 to 11 inches in height and 12 to 15 pounds of weight.
Lhasa Apso has long, thick, straight coat that can be in different shades of black, white, gold and red color.
Lhasa Apso has muzzle of medium length, deep-set eyes, pendant ears, small body and long, curly tail.
Lhasa Apso is named after the city of its origin - Lhasa (capital city of Tibet). Nickname "Bark Lion Sentinel Dog" refers to the sonorous bark of this breed.
Lhasa Apso is considered sacred due to widespread belief that soul of deceased enters the body of this dog after death. It is also a symbol of good luck, peace and prosperity. Lhasa Apso can leave Tibet only in a form of gift offered by Dalai Lama (chief monk of Tibet).
Lhasa Apso is sturdy, independent breed that needs to be properly trained from the early age to learn basic canine manners.
Lhasa Apso is not a good choice for inexperienced owners because it is dominant, manipulative and (often) disobedient.
Unlike other small breeds, Lhasa Apso has extremely strong will and tough personality. Despite its small size, it thinks of itself and behaves like a lion.
Lhasa Apso is loyal dog dedicated to protection of its family. It is suitable for families with older children due to lack of patience for clumsiness of young children. Thanks to its independent nature, it is suitable for people that are not at home a lot.
Lhasa Apso is an excellent watchdog that is naturally suspicious toward strangers.
Lhasa Apso can be kept both in the apartments and in the houses with backyards. It doesn't require too much exercise; short daily walks and couple of playing sessions are more than enough for this breed.
Grooming of Lhasa Apso is difficult and time-consuming and it has to be performed each day to prevent tangling of its long coat.
Lhasa Apso gives birth to 4 to 6 puppies on average. They reach maturity late in life (at the age of 3 years).
Lhasa Apso can suffer from hip dysplasia, allergies, patellar luxation and disorders of eyes and skin.
Lhasa Apso has an average lifespan of 12 to 15 years.

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