Lake Titicaca Facts

Lake Titicaca Facts
Lake Titicaca is considered to be the highest lake in the world navigable by large boats. It is located in the Andes Mountains on the border of Bolivia and Peru, and is considered to be South America's largest lake. 27 rivers flow into Lake Titicaca but the five major tributaries include Suchez River, Huancane River, Ilave River, Coata River, and Ramis River. Much of Late Titicaca's water volume is fed by rainwater and melting ice from glaciers. Lake Titicaca has 41 islands, with many heavily populated. The pollution in Lake Titicaca is growing due to the growth of cities and waste, and in 2012 it was named by the Global Nature Fund the 'Threatened Lake of the year.'
Interesting Lake Titicaca Facts:
Lake Titicaca is believed to be the birthplace of the Inca civilization's first king, the sun god's son, Manco Capac.
The origin of the name Lake Titicaca is unknown. However because of the shape of the lake, which resembles a puma hunting a rabbit, it has been translated as 'Rock Puma'.
Lake Titicaca's altitude is 12,500 feet above sea level, and it covers an area of 3240 square miles.
The average depth of Lake Titicaca is 460 and 600 feet, while its maximum depth is 930 feet in its northeast corner. It is 120 miles long by 50 miles wide.
Approximately only 5% of the water coming into Lake Titicaca is drained by a river. This river is River Desaguadero. The remaining 95% of incoming water is lost by evaporation into the atmosphere.
The average temperature of Lake Titicaca is only 11 degrees Celsius.
In the area surrounding Lake Titicaca there are more than 180 ancient monuments and ruins providing proof of the Incan civilization that once dominated the region.
The population of the area surrounding Lake Titicaca is approximately 228,000.
There are more than 530 aquatic species living in Lake Titicaca.
There are 24 species of freshwater snails living in Lake Titicaca.
Because of its high elevation, Lake Titicaca's climate is cool or cold for much of the year.
People wishing to visit Lake Titicaca's region can do so via bus, plane, car, train, or hike if they choose.
Lake Titicaca is susceptible to both drought conditions and flood conditions, depending on rainfall in a particular year.
Flooding in 1986 to 1987 cost the region more than $125 million in economic losses. The droughts in 1982, 1983, 1989 and 1990 cost the region more than $200 million in damages.
There are manmade islands floating in Lake Titicaca, which are home to people that can date their ancestry to the Incans. These islands are made from totora reeds and called Islas Flotantes.
The water in Lake Titicaca is slightly salty, referred to as brackish.
The most common fish in Lake Titicaca are killifish and catfish.
The large part of Lake Titicaca is referred to as Lago Grande which means 'big lake' while the small part of Lake Titicaca is referred to as Lago Pequeno which means 'little lake.'
40% of Lake Titicaca belongs to Bolivia while the other 60% belongs to Peru.

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