Halite Facts

Halite Facts
Halite is a mineral more commonly known as rock salt or salt. It is made up of sodium and calcium. Halite is typically colorless or white and found in sedimentary minerals. It is one of the oldest, used minerals dating back to at least 3000 BC. Although it is an important part of our diet, over consumption can lead to life threatening illnesses.
Interesting Halite Facts:
Although halite is typically colorless, it can be a broad spectrum of colors depending on its impurities.
Halite is typically found in underground salt beds.
Canada is the world's largest salt consumer.
Halite is often used as a deicer on driveways and roads because it causes ice to melt.
Halite is used as a seasoning for food and is pleasant to the taste.
Halite can be purchased at almost every grocery store and also hardware stores.
Halite in the form of rock salt is usually mined underground.
Rock salt deposits are usually the result of an ancient sea of water that evaporated.
Table salt comes from the evaporation of ponds that have collected sea water.
Halite can be used to keep away unwanted animals.
A form of halite, rock salt, can be used to make ice cream if mixed with the ice by lowering the freezing point of the ice and causing the cream to freeze.
Rock salt is used as a treatment to many ailments such as upset stomach, irritation from insect bites, and symptoms of the common cold.
Rock salt is helpful as a detox for the body as it helps get rid of deposited minerals and salts.
Halite is essential for the human body to function.
Twenty-seven percent of the salt in our bodies is located in our bones.

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