Farts Facts

Farts Facts
A fart is a word used to reference flatulence, which is the expulsion of gases from the body through the rectum. The gas is generated in the stomach or in the bowels, and is combined with the air swallowed by the individual. Farts can differ in sound and in frequency, as well as in smell, depending on the individual. Intestinal gas can be accompanied by pain and bloating, abdominal distention, excessive smell, and even the inability to hold gas in when it builds up. In some cultures farting is considered very vulgar while in others it is met with humor and comedy. In most cases there are situations where it is not polite to fart. Some people say they do not fart, but men and women generally fart equally.
Interesting Farts Facts:
The average human being farts 14 times a day. Some do it in front of others and some do it in private.
An average person farts enough to fill a balloon each day - about 700ml of flatulent air/gas.
A fart contains several gasses including hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, oxygen, and sometimes methane as well.
In order to measure a fart an individual would require an instrument called a rectal catheter. This tube measures the volume of gas exiting a person's digestive tracts.
The average fart travels at a speed of seven miles an hour, or ten feet a second.
The main reason for the rotten smell of a fart is due to hydrogen sulfide. It produces the rotten egg smell.
Women tend to have a higher hydrogen sulfide concentration than men - which means a woman's fart has the potential to smell worse than a man's fat.
Although the word fart is commonly used to describe the act of expelling gas from the body - the polite term is flatus.
The word 'fart' was coined in 1632. The definition was 'to send forth wind from the anus'. The word 'fart' is derived from the word 'feortan' which is an Old English word meaning 'to break wind'.
In Ancient Rome all citizens were permitted to pass gas when they needed to - as declared by the Roman Emperor Claudius.
Ancient Japanese held farting contests to determine the person who could fart the loudest, and the longest.
William Shakespeare mentioned farts in his plays, five times.
An essay was written in 1722 by Jonathan Swift about farting. It was titled "The Benefit of Farting Explain'd".
A loud fart was referenced in Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.
Dante Alighieri mentioned farting in Inferno.
Benjamin Franklin once wrote an essay titled "Fart Proudly".
The Nazi leader Adolph Hitler took 28 different medications to try and control his chronic gas.
There is a type of underwear made to suppress the smell of farts. It is made with charcoal-lined pads.
A pill was designed by Frenchman Christian Poincheval to make farts smell like roses or chocolate.
It is impossible to fart when scuba diving at 33 feet or deeper below sea level.
There is a tribe in South America that greets each other by farting.
Farts are flammable. A shed with cows once caught fire because of the gas build up.

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