Insomnia Facts

Insomnia Facts
Insomnia is a term used to describe the sleep disorder that is characterized by being unable to fall asleep or being unable to stay asleep. This inability to get a good night sleep can lead to a variety of health issues including irritability, memory problems, depression, and the inability to function properly during the day. Insomnia can last from a few days to longer than a month, and the cause of this sleep disorder varies. It may occur because of drug or alcohol use, heart disease, mental disorders, anxiety, pain, hormonal imbalances, or even too much caffeine late in the day. Treatment for insomnia varies from cognitive therapy to medication however using sleeping pills can lead to addiction and other issues.
Interesting Insomnia Facts:
Most people require at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. Less than this can make it difficult to function during the day.
The body's immune system requires sufficient sleep each night to allow it to function at its best. Insomnia can lead to decreased immune system function.
It is estimated that roughly 6% of the population suffers from insomnia.
Insomnia can lead to an increased risk for car accidents, as the brain is not as responsive when it doesn't get enough rest.
People that suffer from insomnia often miss more work than those that do not have this sleep disorder.
Some studies have suggested that insomnia may be hereditary. Teens of parents who suffer from insomnia tend to have higher incidences of insomnia than teens whose parents do not have insomnia.
People who suffer from sleep deprivation or insomnia tend to gain weight more easily.
Sleeping pills do not cure insomnia. They might help a person fall asleep but as time goes by the body adjusts and the pills don't work as well. As a person starts to need more sleeping pills to fall asleep they develop a physical dependency on the drugs.
Some people drink more alcohol in hopes that it will help them fall asleep. This actually makes insomnia worse, and can lead to alcoholism.
The common signs of insomnia, aside from not sleeping or not sleeping well, include waking up too early, irritability, brain fog, and feeling like you haven't slept.
Some people with insomnia are sent to participate in a sleep study, where snoring, eye movement, brain activity, blood pressure, and oxygen measurements are recorded while they sleep. This can sometimes help to find a way to treat the underlying cause of insomnia.
People that stay on a regular sleep routine tend to have fewer problems with insomnia. This means going to bed at the same time every night and waking up at the same time each morning, even on the weekends when people like to sleep in.
Although rare, some people with insomnia develop a prion disease that makes it impossible to fall asleep. This can eventually lead to death. This is referred to as fatal familial insomnia.
Studies have shown that flies also suffer when they experience insomnia. They lose their balance more often, gain weight, and don't learn as quickly as flies without insomnia. Pets can also suffer from insomnia.

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