Progeria Facts
Progeria Facts
Interesting Progeria Facts: |
Progeria has been identified in 43 countries around the world, but little funding has been raised to study it because of the disorder's rarity. |
Only approximately 100 children around the world have been identified as having the disorder at any given time. |
The rapid aging of progeria causes a child in their teenage years to appear as if they are 80 to 90 years old. |
Progeria does not affect a child's mind. Children with this disorder are the same as other children in respect to intelligence, and learning and wanting to be part of the world around them. |
Progeria is not hereditary. It is caused by a spontaneous mutation of a gene called LMNA. |
Progeria is 100% fatal, but new research is hoping to develop drugs that will slow the progression of progeria. |
A child born with progeria will begin to age approximately 7 to 10 times as fast as normal once they reach the age of one. |
Atherosclerosis is one of the biggest risks a child with progeria will face. This condition involves the hardening of arteries and by the time a child with progeria reaches their teen years it can be a life-threatening disease. |
The Progeria Research Foundation was established by Dr. Leslie Gorson and Dr. Scott Berns in 1999. They were parents of a child with progeria, and their work has led to the first drug therapy for progeria and the discovery of the gene responsible for the disorder's development. |
In the past a diagnosis of progeria could only be done by the presence of physical symptoms. Today it is possible to perform a genetic test if it is suspected, which allows for earlier treatment to help slow the aging process. |
Drugs used to treat progeria are usually those used to treat the complications of aging, such as cholesterol-lowering drugs and growth hormone treatment, as well as some anti-cancer medications. |
Despite the appearance of a child with progeria - appearing much older than they actually are - they will still behave as a child because the disease does not age their mind - just their body. |
Progeria has been the subject of several movies such as Paa, The Hunger, and Life According to Sam (based on Sam Berns - the son of the doctors who founded the Progeria Research Foundation). |
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