King Philip's War Facts
King Philip's War Facts
Interesting King Philip's War Facts: |
Siding with the Wampanoags were the Nipmucks, Podunks, Narraganset, and Nashaway tribes. The Mohegan and Pequot tribes sided with the colonists. |
At the time, New England was actually four colonies: Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth, Connecticut, and New Have. A confederation of all four colonies formed in 1643. |
The European population of the colonies had grown exponentially after the arrival of the Pilgrims. There were about 80,000 colonists, primarily in Massachusetts Bay colony, when the war began. |
In contrast, due primarily to diseases they had no immunity to, the Indian population in the colonies had decreased to between 10,000 and 20,000. |
The war began when a band of Wampanoags attacked and destroyed the village of Swansea. |
Although the Indians were more accustomed to fighting, most of the male colonists were trained in firearms and were required to serve in the colonial militia. |
After the shock of the initial raids wore off, the colonists regrouped and used their numbers against the Indians. |
King Philip/Metacom and his most loyal warriors were chased into Assowamset Swamp in what is today southeastern Massachusetts. He was shot and killed by a Christian Wapanoag named John Alderman on August 12, 1676. |
As a reword for killing King Philip, Alderman was given his head and one of his hands. He preserved the pieces and later charged people fees to see them. |
Metacom's body was quartered and hung from trees in Plymouth. |
After the death of Metacom, the Indian tribes continue to raid and sack many colonial outposts. Women and children were often taken captive and ransomed, starting a uniquely genre of American literature in the process. |
The Indian tribes in what is today Main were often supported by French traders and missionaries. |
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