Rhenium Facts

Rhenium Facts
Rhenium (Re) has an atomic number of seventy-five. It is a silver-white metal with the third highest melting point of any of the metal elements.
Interesting Rhenium Facts:
Mendeleev predicted an element with rhenium's characteristics when he designed his periodic table.
The credit for rhenium's discovery is typically awarded to Walter Noddack, Ida Tacke Noddack, and Otto Berg in 1925.
The trio named the element after the Rhine River in Germany.
Three years after discovering it in several different minerals and ores, the team extracted one gram of rhenium.
Rhenium was the last element to be discovered that had a stable isotope; other elements have been discovered since that time, but they are radioactive.
Re-185 is rhenium's only stable isotope.
Rhenium is only one of three elements to have a stable isotope that is less abundant than its radioisotope.
Rhenium's radioactive isotope has a half-life of around 100,000,000,000 years.
Rhenium has the highest boiling point of any of the elements.
Rhenium has the third highest melting point of any element.
Only tungsten and carbon have higher melting points.
It is also the fourth highest element in density.
Rhenium is one of the rarest elements found in the planet's crust.
Its abundance can only be estimated, and that amount is thought to be between one-half and one part per billion in the Earth's crust.
This make rhenium the seventy-seventh most common element.
The total global production of rhenium is only between forty and fifty tons per year, most of which is extracted from ores in Chile.
This level of rarity makes rhenium one of the most expensive metal elements, with some recent prices being as high as $4500US per kilogram.
Most rhenium is extracted from the refining of molybdenum or copper ores.
The single most common commercial use for rhenium is in the alloys that make up jet engines.
These alloys contain 6% rhenium, and are used to make the combustion chambers and other components of jets.
When rhenium is alloyed with nickel, the end result is considered a superalloy for its greatly increased creep strength.

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