Allspice Facts

Allspice Facts
Allspice tree, also known as pimento tree, is an evergreen plant that belongs to the myrtle family. It originates from West Indies and Central America. Allspice tree grows in tropical rainforests on the altitude of 1.600 to 4.300 feet. Christopher Columbus discovered allspice when he visited Jamaica on his second voyage to the New World. Allspice was brought to Europe in the 16th century. After many attempts to cultivate this plant outside its native range, allspice remains the only spice that thrives only in the New World.
Interesting Allspice Facts:
Allspice grows in the form of large shrub or small tree that can reach 32 to 60 feet in height.
Allspice tree has large, oblong, leathery leaves that are oppositely arranged on the branches. Leaves emit pleasant aroma thanks to high content of essential oils.
Allspice tree blooms during the spring and produces large clusters (composed of 50 to 100 individual flowers) of bisexual, pale pink flowers. Even though flowers contain both types of reproductive organs, some trees produce flowers with only one set of functional reproductive organs ("female flowers" produce infertile pollen and "male flowers" sterile eggs).
Allspice tree starts to bloom 5 years after planting. Flowers attract bees that are responsible for the pollination.
Fruit of allspice is pea-sized berry that contains two seed. Berries are arranged in the form of brownish green clusters.
Dried berries of allspice tree are used as spice. They are good source of vitamins A, B2, B3, B6 and C and minerals such as potassium, manganese, iron and copper.
Green (unripe) berries are harvested when they reach the size of 0.2 inches. Sun-dried berries look like peppercorn. They can be consumed freshly ground or in the form of powder.
Allspice is used as an ingredient of soups, dishes made of meat, rice and fish, sauces, marinades, ketchups, Christmas puddings, cookies and pies.
Name "allspice" refers to the fact that this spice tastes like a blend of cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and black pepper.
Essential oils obtained from the berries and leaves have application in the cosmetic industry. Men fragrance "Old spice" is made of essential oils of allspice.
Russian soldiers used allspice during the 19th century to warm their feet in the boots and to eliminate unpleasant odor.
Arawak Indians used allspice to preserve the meat, while Mayan Indians used essential oils of allspice to embalm the body of their leader after death.
Majority of globally consumed allspice originates from Jamaica.
Allspice has soothing, warming, antiseptic (prevents growth of microorganisms) and anti-inflammatory (prevents inflammation) properties. It can be used to stimulate digestion and decrease pain associated with sore muscles and arthritis. Mixture of essential oils of allspice, garlic and oregano can be effective in treatment of several bacterial infections.
Allspice can survive up to 100 years in the wild.

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