Camellia Facts

Camellia Facts
Camellia is an evergreen plant that belongs to the tea family. There are 100 to 250 species of camellia that are native to southern and eastern parts of Asia. Camellia can be found on the altitude of nearly 5.000 feet. These plants grow in cool areas, on the moist, well-drained soil in the partial shade. Camellias do not tolerate drought and require regular water supply. There are more than 3.000 cultivars of camellia that are available around the world today. They are cultivated because of their leaves that are used for the manufacture of tea and in decorative purposes (both as ornamental garden plants and as cut flowers that are used for the preparation of various floral arrangements).
Interesting Camellia Facts:
Camellia can grow in the form of small tree or large shrub that can reach 66 feet in height. Species of camellia, known as "zig-zag camellia" consists of numerous contorted branches because of the stems which take a twist of 45 degrees at each node on the branches.
Some species of camellia such as "sasanqua" can be trimmed and cultivated in the form of hedges, topiaries and espaliers.
Camellia produces thick, glossy leaves with serrated edges that are alternately arranged on the branches. Fishtail camellia develops leaves shaped like fish tails.
Camellia develops large, showy flowers that consist of 5 to 9 white, creamy, yellow, red or pink petals. Center of the flower is filled with numerous yellow stamens (male reproductive organs). Some types of camellia produce variegated flowers (multicolored) and double flowers.
Camellia blooms during the autumn, winter and spring, depending on the geographic location and type of camellia. Flowers are not fragrant, but they easily attract bees thanks to vividly colored petals.
Fruit of camellia is dry capsule divided in up to 5 segments. Each segment is filled with 1 to 8 seed.
Camellia propagates via cuttings and seed.
Leaves of camellia are used for the manufacture of tea. White, green and black tea are just some of the types of tea made of this plant.
Tea oil obtained from seed of camellia is edible oil that is used for cooking and seasoning of various dishes. This oil is especially popular and widely used in China.
Camellia oil is used to nurture the hair in Japan and to clean the blade of instruments used for cutting.
Japanese camellia is a state flower of Alabama.
In the language of flowers, camellia stands for adoration, devotion and loveliness. White camellias signify true excellence and faithfulness, while red camellias symbolize beauty.
Leaves of camellia are used in traditional Chinese medicine in treatment of asthma and cardiovascular disorders.
Camellias are susceptible to mites, aphids, mealybugs and various beetles that attack leaves of these plants and produce serious damage in the gardens.
Camellia can survive from 100 to 200 years in the wild.

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