Caper Facts

Caper Facts
Caper, also known as Flinders rose, is deciduous plant that belongs to the caper family. It originates from Mediterranean region and Central Asia, but it can be found around the world today. Caper grows on the poor, rocky, well-drained soil, in hot, arid or semi-arid areas that provide plenty of sun (usually on the sea coast). People cultivate and use caper mostly as condiment. France, Sicily, Spain, California and Florida are the greatest manufacturers of caper in the world.
Interesting Caper Facts:
Caper grows in the form of spiny shrub that can reach around 4 feet in height.
Caper produces fleshy, rounded or ovate leaves. They are green colored and alternately arranged on the branches.
Caper develops large pinkish-white flowers filled with pompon-shaped bunch of purple stamens (male reproductive structures). Flowers contain only one pistil (female reproductive structure).
Caper blooms from May to August. Bush starts to produce flowers 3 years after planting. Flowers emit sweet aroma which attracts insects responsible for the pollination.
Fruit of caper is olive green, elongated berry. Each berry contains 200 to 300 seed.
Caper propagates via seed and vegetative cuttings.
Immature flowers buds are the most valuable part of caper. Washed, sun-dried immature flower buds preserved in vinegar, brine, olive oil or coarse sea salt are used as condiment. Smaller flower buds have better taste and they are more expensive than large, more strongly flavored flower buds.
Flower buds of caper have sour, tangy lemony taste. They are rich source of vitamins A, C, K, B3 and B2 and minerals such as iron, calcium and copper. 100g of flower buds contain only 23 calories.
Caper berries better known as "nonpareille" are also used in human diet. They are rich source of dietary fibers, vitamin C and iron.
Caper is very popular and often used in Mediterranean cuisine for the preparation of salads, sauces, toppings for pizzas and dishes made of fish and cheese. Dried leaves of caper are used for the preparation of high-quality cheese.
Ancient Romans and Greeks used tea made of stem and root of caper in treatment of fibromyalgia and rheumatism.
Bark, leaves and flowers of caper can be used in treatment of eye infections, irritable bowel syndrome, kidney and gastrointestinal disorders, stomach ache, menstrual irregularities and for detoxification of the body.
Compounds isolated from immature flowers of caper have anti-bacterial (kill bacteria), anti-inflammatory (prevent inflammation) and analgesic (reduce pain) properties. Caper can also prevent formation of blood cloths and improve blood circulation (especially through small capillaries).
Caper is used in the cosmetic industry for the manufacture of various creams and hair care products.
Caper is perennial plant that can survive more than 30 years in the wild.

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