Eastern cottonwood Facts

Eastern cottonwood Facts
Eastern cottonwood is deciduous tree that belongs to the poplar family. It originates from North America. Eastern cottonwood grows in the marshes, floodplains and near the lakes and rivers. It prefers moist, sandy soil and areas that provide enough sun. People cultivate eastern cottonwood in ornamental purposes, as a windbreak, shade tree, as a source of food for the animals and as a firewood.
Interesting Eastern cottonwood Facts:
Eastern cottonwood is a fast-growing tree (it grows 6 feet per year). It can reach more than 100 feet in height (up to 190 feet) and 6 feet in width (trunk). Crown is oblong-shaped and 75 feet wide
Eastern cottonwood has thick bark which prevents damage of the inner, delicate wood. Bark is smooth and yellow-green in young trees. Brown-grey, deeply furrowed, corky bark can be seen on the old trees.
Eastern cottonwood has strong root system that can reach 15 feet in diameter. Root absorbs up to 200 gallons of water per day. In the case of the injury, water starts to leak from the root until the clogging of the incision (injury). Collected water can leak continuously for days.
Eastern cottonwood has triangular leaves with pointed tips and long petioles. Bright, emerald green color of the leaves changes into bright yellow during the autumn. Eastern cottonwood sheds its leaves in the autumn and during extended period of drought.
Eastern cottonwood produces male and female flowers on separate trees (dioecious plant). Male flowers are thick, reddish-colored catkins. Females catkins are more slender and yellowish-green colored.
Eastern cottonwood blooms during the March and April. Flowers are designed for the pollination by wind.
Fruit of eastern cottonwood is elliptic capsule filled with numerous seed. Fruit ripens from May to June. Seed are covered with cotton fibers which facilitate dispersal by wind.
Mice, rabbits and deer eat twigs and bark of eastern cottonwood. Squirrels live inside the hollow trunks, that also songbirds occasionally use for nesting.
North Americans used eastern cottonwood tree to build canoes. First European settlers used eastern cottonwood for the construction of houses and barns.
Bark of eastern cottonwood is often used as food for horses. Sweet sprouts and inner bark of eastern cottonwood can be used in human diet.
Wood of eastern cottonwood is used for the manufacture of paper, pallets, boxes, lightweight furniture and as a firewood.
Fragrant oils obtained from the eastern cottonwood are used in the cosmetic industry for the manufacture of lip balms and massage oils.
Pollen of eastern cottonwood induces allergy in susceptible individuals.
Leaves, bark and buds of eastern cottonwood are used in treatment of fever, inflammation and pain. Essential oils of eastern cottonwood can be used in treatment of arthritis and sore muscles.
Eastern cottonwood can survive 70 to 100 years in the wild.

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