Jojoba Facts
Jojoba Facts
Interesting Jojoba Facts: |
Jojoba grows in the form of shrub that can reach 10 feet in height and 10 feet in width. Mature plant consists of numerous tangled branches. |
Jojoba has strong taproot that can reach depth of 13 feet. It facilitates extraction of the water hidden deep under the ground. Well developed root system prevents erosion of the soil. |
Jojoba produces oval, leathery leaves covered with layer of wax which prevents loss of water (via transpiration). Leaves are oppositely arranged on the branches. |
Jojoba is dioecious plant which means that male and female flowers develop on the separate plants. |
Jojoba produces small, greenish yellow flowers without petals. They are designed for the pollination by wind. |
Fruit of jojoba is acorn-like capsule filled with dark brown seed. Shrub starts to produce fruit 5 years after planting. Each shrub produces around 5 pounds of dry seed annually. |
Jojoba (seed) is rich source of oil (40 to 60%) and vitamins A and E. Due to strong laxative effect of the seed, jojoba is used in human diet only when other types of food are not available. |
Leaves of jojoba are important part of food of bighorn sheep, deer, javelina and livestock. Squirrels, rabbits and large species of birds like to eat fruit of jojoba. |
Sperm whales were massively hunted in the past as a source of wax (called spermaceti) which was widely used in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry and for the manufacture of industrial lubricants. After discovery that high-quality jojoba oil can replace spermaceti in all industrial products, killing of sperm whales finally ceased. Cultivation and extraction of oil from jojoba is much easier, cheaper and more humane method compared to killing of endangered sperm whales. |
Jojoba oil has moisturizing, sun-protecting and nurturing effects. It is widely used in the cosmetic industry for the manufacture of creams and hair care products. |
Jojoba oil can be used in treatment of sunburns, inflammation of the skin, eczema and psoriasis. |
Native Americans used jojoba oil to reduce the pain, accelerate healing of the wounds, cure stomach disorders and to suppress hunger. |
Jojoba oil can be used for the manufacture of wax for the polishing of furniture, floors and cars. |
Other industrial applications of jojoba oil include manufacture of candles, machine oils and detergents. |
Jojoba can survive up to 200 years in the wild. |
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