Photosynthesis Facts

Photosynthesis Facts
Photosynthesis is the process of converting light into energy. This natural process makes it possible for plants and other organisms to create food when it is required. The majority of the process of photosynthesis takes place in a plant's mesophyll cells' chloroplasts. Photosynthesis occurs when the plant's roots absorb water. The water is carried to the leaves where carbon dioxide is obtained from the air. The carbon dioxide diffuses to the chlorophyll-containing cells. Chlorophyll, which is a green pigment, converts the light energy into a storable form of energy (glucose) to be used by the plant as food when needed. Photosynthesis is essential for human life as plants convert the carbon dioxide we exhale into oxygen that we need to breathe.
Interesting Photosynthesis Facts:
In order for a plant to make its own food through the process of photosynthesis it requires three things: carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight.
The veins in a plant that pull water from the soil are called xylem.
Chlorophyll is the green pigment in a plant's leaves. Chlorophyll is what traps the sun's energy.
Carbon dioxide passes into the plant's leaves through small pores called stomata.
The energy absorbed by the chlorophyll is used to split water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen. The oxygen is released through the leaves into the surrounding air. The remaining hydrogen and absorbed carbon dioxide are used to create the plant's food - glucose.
During the process of photosynthesis the energy from the sun is converted into glucose which serves as food for the plant.
Plants are essential for human life both as food and for converting carbon dioxide into oxygen.
Photosynthesis is considered to be the most important chemical process on the planet as it is vital for life.
The process of photosynthesis is affected by many factors including light intensity, light wavelength, the level of available carbon dioxide, and the temperature.
Plants are not the only organism on earth that creates their own food. Scientists have discovered a sea slug that uses photosynthesis to create energy. The sea slug consumes algae, which is not fully digested. Instead, the algae remain in the creature's system and continue to provide food for the slug through continued photosynthesis.
When glucose is stored in plants during photosynthesis it can be found in the roots and in the fruits of the plants. When consumed by humans or animals the plants provide nutrients that help sustain life.
The major sources of energy on earth are the remains of dead plants and animals - which obtained their energy from plants that grew through photosynthesis. Coal, oil, and natural gas are all examples of energy sources that began millions of years ago as a result of photosynthesis and the food chain.
Because photosynthesis is responsible for balancing the atmosphere's oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, cutting down too many trees and clear cutting forests can have a major impact on air quality.
Photosynthesis is responsible for supplying all of the earth's organic compounds as well as the energy required to sustain life on the planet.

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