Primrose Facts

Primrose Facts
Primrose is a type of herbaceous plant that belongs to the family Primulaceae (primrose family). It originates from Europe. Primrose mostly inhabits temperate areas of Northern hemisphere. It grows on the moist, but well-drained soil, in partial shade. These conditions are typically for the grasslands, woodlands, hedgerows and areas near the roads. Primrose is often cultivated in pots or gardens in decorative purposes (because of its beautiful flowers). Besides that, primrose is used in treatment of various disorders (in folk medicine).
Interesting Primrose Facts:
Primrose has hairy stem that can reach 4 to 12 inches in height.
Primrose has tongue-like, green leaves. They are wrinkled and toothed on the edges. Leaves are arranged in the form of rosette at the base of the plant, close to the ground.
Primrose produces individual flowers that are usually yellow colored. Flowers have short flower stalks. Some varieties of primrose produce white, red, pink and purple flowers. Primrose blooms from March to May. When the winter is mild, blooming can start in December.
Primrose produces bisexual flowers of two types: pin and thrum. Even though both types of flowers contain both types of reproductive organs, male are female parts are not equally prominent. In the pin type of flowers, style (female reproductive organ) is exposed, while stamens (male reproductive organs) are located bellow. In the thrum type of flowers, stamens are prominent, while style is located deeply inside the flower.
Unusual morphology of the primrose flowers ensures cross-pollination (flowers cannot perform self-pollination). Insects with long tongues (such as butterflies) collect pollen from one flower and transfer it on the style of another flower when they land on the primrose to feed on nectar.
Fruit of primrose is capsule filled with miniature black seed.
Latin name for the primrose is "Primula". It originates from the word "primus" which means "first" or "early". Name refers to the fact that primrose is one of the first plants that bloom in the spring.
Leaves and flowers of primrose are edible and often consumed in the form of salad.
Young flowers of primrose can be used in the manufacture of wine. Dried leaves can be used for the preparation of tea.
Primrose is important source of food for the rare species of butterflies such as Duke of Burgundy Butterfly.
Primrose was often used in treatment of paralysis, gout and rheumatism in the past.
Tincture (alcoholic solution) of the primrose is used in treatment of insomnia, restlessness, headache and cough today.
Primrose was used for the preparation of magic potions during the Middle Ages.
19th April is celebrated as the "Primrose day" in the United Kingdom.
Primrose is perennial plant, which means that it can survive more than 2 years in the wild.

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