Red fescue Facts

Red fescue Facts
Red fescue is flowering plant that belongs to the grass family. It is widespread and abundant in the northern hemisphere. Red fescue thrives in areas with temperate climate. It can be found in the meadows, fields, on the beaches and coastal areas, rocky slopes and in the cool, shaded mountain sites. Red fescue grows in the shade, on the poor, neutral or acidic, well-drained, sandy soil. It does not tolerate heat (and cannot survive in areas with hot climate) and extended period of drought. People cultivate red fescue mostly in ornamental purposes.
Interesting Red fescue Facts:
Red fescue can reach 0.8 to 24 inches in height. There are two basic types of red fescue: 1. strong creeping red fescue and 2. chewings red fescue. Strong creeping red fescue grows low to the ground and spreads via stolons (runners) and short rhizomes. Chewings red fescue produces bunches of erect stems (tufts).
Red fescue grows very slowly. Periods of active growth are from March to June and from October to December (it is usually dormant during the summer).
Red fescue produces narrow, needle-like leaves with fine blade. They are bright or deep green colored.
Red fescue produces small flowers arranged in the form of multi-branched inflorescence (panicle) on top of the flowering stem. Spikelets (secondary spikes) are lance-shaped and purple colored. They consist of 4 to 10 florets that contain both types of reproductive organs (perfect flowers).
Red fescue blooms from early to mid summer. Flowers are designed for the pollination by wind.
Fruit of red fescue is dark brown caryopsis (type of single-seeded dry fruit).
Red fescue propagates via seed, stolons and division of rhizome.
Red fescue is important source of food for the wild animals.
Red fescue is not cultivated as animal fodder because of its low productivity (it grows slowly) and low palatability (it has narrow, needle-like leaves).
Red fescue is often cultivated in the parks, lawns, cemeteries, golf courses, athletic fields and airfields. It can be also used to create meadow-like appearance in the gardens and excellent groundcover in the orchards.
"Illahee", "Pennlawn", "Rainier" and "Trinity" are some of the most popular varieties of red fescue.
Red fescue is eco-friendly grass. Planting does not require too much effort, as well as maintenance of this plant. Red fescue does not require fertilization, lots of water and frequent mowing for the successful growth.
Red fescue is often cultivated in disturbed areas, such as mine tailings, to facilitate their recovery.
Red fescue has well-developed root system which can prevent erosion of the soil. That's why people plant red fescue near the waterways and on the slopes and banks.
Red fescue is perennial plant which means that it can survive more than 2 years in the wild.

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