Schrödinger was the only child of a botanist and a woman whose father was a professor of chemistry in Vienna.
He grew up bilingual, as his maternal grandmother was British.
He received advanced degrees and habilitation (level after Ph.D. degree) from several prestigious university programs and assisted some of the foremost scientists in his field.
He and his wife Annemarie Bertel escaped to Italy at the rise of the Nazi party in Germany after angering officials with his open opposition of the party. From Italy, they escaped to England where he held positions at Oxford and Ghent.
Following this transition, Schrödinger was invited to Ireland to help establish the Institute for Advanced Studies. He accepted, and was the director for the Institute's School of Theoretical Physics.
One of Schrödinger's many published works, What Is Life?, was the inspiration for Drs. James Watson and Francis Crick, who both credit Schrödinger's book with sparking their interest in cellular biology, specifically DNA.
He and his wife had no children, but Schrödinger fathered two children by two different women while living in Dublin.
He is less well-known for but still important in the study of color and colorimetry.
One of Schrodinger's most important contributions remains the philosophically controversial Schrodinger's cat, which was his analogy on Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics.
More important is his work in wave mechanics and the Schrodinger equation, which has been called one of the most important achievements of the twentieth century.
Unfortunately, his research and publications were used to develop the basis for probability interpretation, something he wishes he were not a part of.
Schrodinger was awarded the Nobel Prize for physics in 1933 for his work on what is known as the Schrodinger equation.
Two prestigious awards were named after him several years before his death, and his likeness appeared on an Austrian banknote for almost fifteen years.
A moon crater is named after him.