Hans Christian Oersted Facts

Hans Christian Oersted Facts
Hans Christian Oersted (14 August 1777 to 9 March 1851) was a Danish physicist and chemist. His discovery that electric currents generate magnetic fields created the field of electromagnetism.
Interesting Hans Christian Oersted Facts:
Hans Christian Oersted was born in Rudkobing, Denmark.
He developed a keen interest in science while working in his father's pharmacy as a child.
He and his brother, Anders, were home schooled until 1793 when they entered the University of Copenhagen.
By 1796, Oersted had received awards for his papers in aesthetics and physics.
His dissertation on "The Architectonics of Natural Metaphysics" earned him a PhD in 1799.
He met the physicist Johann Wilhelm Ritter who believed that there was a connection between electricity and magnetism.
This resonated with Oersted who had been influenced by Kant's philosophy of the unity of nature and the relationships between natural phenomena.
In 1806, he became a professor at the University of Copenhagen where he helped develop a comprehensive physics and chemistry program.
In 1800, Oersted built on the work of Alessandro Volta to conduct his first experiments with electricity.
On April 21, 1820, Oersted noticed that a compass needle deflected from north when the electric current was switched on and off.
After three months of intense study he published his findings that an electric current produces a circular magnetic field as it flows through a wire.
His work influenced Andre-Marie Ampere's development of a mathematical formula which defined the magnetic forces between current-carrying conductors.
Oersted's work was a crucial to the development of a unified concept of energy.
In 1822 he was elected a foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
In 1825, he was the first to isolate pure aluminum from aluminum chloride.

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