Stars Facts

Stars Facts
Stars are balls of hot gas that can be seen in the sky. They are made of mostly helium and hydrogen. Stars are hot and bright because they use a process called nuclear fusion. During nuclear fusion, helium is burned and turns into hydrogen. Once all the helium and hydrogen have burned, the star dies.
Interesting Stars Facts:
When a star dies it experiences an explosion called a supernova.
The Hertzsprung - Russell diagram or HR diagram is used to compare stars' brightness and temperature.
The HR diagram was discovered by two astronomers named Ejnar Hertzsprung and Henry Norris Russell.
All stars begin their life cycle in a cloud of dust called nebulae.
Most stars are main sequence stars and remain in this state for much of their lives.
Main sequence stars are categorized by their color.
Small stars usually have a longer life span than large stars.
The Sun is a star.
The Sun is over 4 billion years old.
The stars we see in the sky are about 25 million miles away from Earth.
The universe has more than 200 billion billion stars.
Some stars in our solar system are larger than the Sun.
Without stars there would be nothing to heat and light planets.
Some stars are known as binary stars because they have a twin star nearby that looks just like it.
When stars are all together and form a pattern, it is called a constellation.

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