Universe Facts

Universe Facts
The universe is a term used to collectively describe the planets, stars, galaxies, and any other matter that exists in space. The part of the universe that can be observed is believed to be 46 billion light years across and is expanding constantly. The Big Bang theory is the most widely accepted explanation for how the universe began.
Interesting Universe Facts:
Models of the universe began with observations made by ancient Greek philosophers.
The Big Bang theory tells us that the universe began as a small, hot ball that cooled as it expanded.
Because the universe is cooling as it expands, scientists believe that it will end in a Big Freeze.
Although the Big Bang theory is widely accepted, the events that occurred before Big Bang remains a very big mystery.
The age of the universe is roughly 13.7 billion years old.
Although the planets within the universe are not flat, it is believed that the universe is flat.
There are parts of the universe that simply cannot be seen or detected and scientists refer to these parts as dark matter and dark energy.
Only 5% of the matter in the universe can be seen.
Although Galileo is given credit for discovering the telescope, he actually was just the first to use it to study the sky.
Black holes are objects that suck up everything in space including light.
Shooting stars are actually shining dust particles left behind by comets in the atmosphere.
Although our Sun looks round, it actually has flat sides on its top and bottom.
The Sun makes up more than 99% of the mass of our Solar System.
There are billions of galaxies in the universe.
Once every second a star somewhere in the universe explodes.

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