Nalta jute Facts

Nalta jute Facts
Nalta jute, also known as Jew's mallow, is bushy plant that belongs to the mallow family. Exact origin of this plant is unknown (either Africa or India), but it can be found all over the world today. Nalta jute prefers areas with hot, humid climate and grows on the fertile, well-drained soil exposed to the full sun. It equally well survives in tropical deserts, grasslands and wet forests. Due to ability to easily occupy new areas and prevent growth of native species of plants, Nalta jute is classified as weed in most countries outside its native range. Despite its weedy nature, Nalta jute represents valuable source of fiber, food and medicine in many areas.
Interesting Nalta jute Facts:
Nalta jute grows in the form of shrub with erect, glabrous stem and numerous side branches. It can reach 35 to 45 inches in height.
Nalta jute has broad, elliptical or lanceolate leaves with serrated edges. They are green-colored and slightly hairy.
Nalta jute produces pale yellow individual flowers. They contain both types of reproductive organs (perfect flowers).
Nalta jute blooms from August to October. It belongs to a group of self-pollinating plants.
Fruit of Nalta jute is long, cylindrical capsule filled with black, trigonous seeds.
Nalta jute propagates via seed
Leaves of Nalta jute are rich source of proteins, dietary fibers, vitamins C, B2, B6 and A and minerals such as iron, calcium and magnesium.
Young leaves and tender shoots of Nalta jute are consumed in the form of salad, while older leaves are cooked and used as a substitute for spinach. Dried leaves are used as thickening agents for soups and stews or for the preparation of tea.
Immature fruit and seeds of Nalta jute are also edible. They are usually consumed in the form of salad
Dishes made of leaves of Nalta jute are very popular and frequently consumed in the Middle East and North Africa.
Nalta jute is prized for its medical properties. Leaves of this plant can be used as tonic and diuretic and to reduce inflammation and fever. They are frequently used in treatment of cystitis, dysuria, pain, dysentery and gonorrhea. Extract of Nalta jute improves cardiac insufficiency and it doesn't accumulate in the body like conventional medications. Infusion made of leaves can be used to improve strength and increase appetite. Seeds of Nalta jute are used as laxative.
Coarse fibers obtained from the stem of Nalta jute are used as a source of jute for the manufacture of sackcloth.
Fibers of Nalta jute also have application in the paper industry.
Soft wood of Nalta jute is used for the manufacture of sulphur matches.
Nalta jute completes its life cycle in one (annual) or few years (perennial plant), depending on the climate.

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