Yellow Fever Facts

Yellow Fever Facts
Yellow fever is a viral disease caused by the bite of an infected female mosquito. It is an acute disease that affects mosquitos, primates, and humans, and is found in the subtropics and tropics. Although there is a vaccine there are still outbreaks and it is possible to bring the disease to another country that normally does not have risk, most often by travellers who do not know they have been infected. Symptoms of infection begin after approximately three days and include a fever, headache, a loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and other signs. Most people will recover after three to four days but a small percentage will enter a second stage of illness that results in yellow skin and eyes, damage to the kidneys and liver, and roughly 50% of those that begin to experience hemorrhagic bleeding die within 10 days.
Interesting Yellow Fever Facts:
This virus is referred to as yellow fever because it results in yellow skin and eyes, called jaundice, in those that do not recover quickly and are severely affected by the disease.
Common symptoms of yellow fever include nausea, vomiting, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, fever, and jaundice.
Once the first phase of the disease ends, a small number of people will enter the second phase, usually within 24 hours of the end of the first phase.
During the second phase, which is considered a very toxic phase, the skin and eyes develop jaundice.
Approximately half of those who enter the second phase will develop hemorrhagic bleeding and death usually occurs by day 10.
Yellow fever is endemic to Central and South America and Africa.
In 2006 a mass vaccination campaign was launched, resulting in the vaccination of more than 105 million people.
There have been no further yellow fever outbreaks in West Africa since 2015.
The worst spread of yellow fever occurs when infected individuals enter a highly populated area where people are not vaccinated and have no immunity. Mosquitos then transmit the virus quite easily from person to person.
The yellow fever vaccine provides protection for life.
In the early stages of the disease it can be difficult to distinguish yellow fever from other diseases such as malaria and viral hepatitis, as well as other types of hemorrhagic fevers.
There are three transmission cycles of yellow fever including sylvatic, intermediate and urban.
With sylvatic yellow fever mosquitos bite infected monkeys and pass it on to humans in tropical rainforest regions.
With intermediate yellow fever wild and domestic mosquitos infect people and monkeys - this type spreads because of human to human contact and is the most common method of transmission in African outbreaks.
With urban yellow fever an outbreak occurs when infected people transmit the disease due to mosquito bites.
Treatment involves hospital care to manage fever, dehydration, and failure of the liver and kidneys.
People traveling to regions that may have yellow fever should be vaccinated, as should those living in areas putting them at high risk for infection.
There is no cure as of yet for yellow fever.

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