Volume Continuity Formula

Volume Continuity Formula

This principle is closely related to the conservation of mass, if there are no possible discharge of mass, and the fluid is incompressible, then, the volume occupied by that mass will remain constant.

Volume occupied initially = Volume occupied finally

The volume is written in terms of the density of a fluid and the mass.


Where we have:

M: Mass of the fluid that flowing from one place to another.

ρ: Density of the fluid

Volume Continuity Formula Questions:

1) We have 5 Kg of fluid with density 1 Kg/m3 that is moving through a pipe which varies its transverse area from 1 cm2 to 10 cm2. All the fluid has the same density, what is the volume of fluid flowing at the end of the tube?

Answer: The total volume in one side of the tube is given by

M/ρ = VE = 5 Kg / 1 Kg/m3 = 5 m3

Since the volume continuity tells us that the volume occupied is the same if no mass is being lost, the volume leaving the tube is also V=5 m3.

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