Plant Growth
Plants are everywhere. There are different kinds of plants located throughout the world, on every continent. There may be plants growing inside a home, being cared for each day with water, sunlight, and nutrients added that are added to the soil. Plants may produce fruits, vegetables, and flowers. All of the plants must grow to live and survive.
There are several things nearly every plant needs to grow from a small seed to a healthy plant. Plants, like humans, are living organisms, so they need some of the same things humans need.
The Sun is needed for plants to grow. Plants use the energy from the Sun to make its own food. This takes place inside the leaves of the plant. The process is called photosynthesis. It is a big word but it is the process used for plants to survive. However, if a plant gets too much Sun it may die, and if it does not get enough Sun, the plant may stop growing.
Many of the nutrients plants need are found in soil. The nutrients found in soil include nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. Nitrogen is used for making the leaves green. Phosphorous leads to large flowers and a strong and healthy root system, and the potassium helps a plant to fight off diseases. This means plants must have healthy soil to grow properly. In addition, the soil will also give support to the plants and help prevent the plants from falling over.
From the air, plants receive carbon dioxide (CO2) to help with the process called photosynthesis, which is how plants use the sun's energy to make its own food allowing it to grow. During photosynthesis, plants also release oxygen (O2) into the air. The oxygen that is released is breathed in by animals, including people.
Of course, water is also necessary for plants to grow healthy and strong. The water a plant receives helps bring the nutrients to the plants through its roots, stem, and then into the leaves.
The other needs for plants includes the right temperature for a plant to grow strong. Most plants grow well in warm daytime temperatures, and cooler nighttime temperatures. If the temperatures are too hot, the plants will dry up and burn, and if it's too cold, they will freeze.
Finally, they need room and time to grow into strong and healthy full-size plants. Without room to grow, plants can become too small and not reach their full potential. And if there is overcrowding, plants may suffer from a disease or not receive enough air.
All plants start out as a small seed. With the proper care, the seeds then grow into a wide variety of plants found in different places throughout the world. Some plants are huge, some are small, and there are many other sizes in between.
In summary, plants grow like other living organisms, with the biggest difference being they can make their own food using the Sun for energy using a process called photosynthesis. They also need to be planted in the right soil with the proper nutrients. And just like people, plants need air and water to survive.
Plants also need the right temperature, as well as time and space to grow. A plant cannot grow overnight. They need to be cared for, almost like people.
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