Timeline Description: John Quincy Adams was the sixth American president. He was the first president who ran and won as the son of a former president. His father was John Adams, the Founding Father and second American president.
Date | Event |
1767 | John Quincy Adams' birth John Quincy Adams was born in Braintree, Massachusetts, to the former president, John Adams. The city was later named Quincy. |
1775 | Battle of Bunker Hill Adams watched the Battle of Bunker Hill during the War for Independence from his family farm. He was only eight years old. |
1781 | John the traveler John spent most of his youth traveling in Europe with his father, who was an American envoy in France and later the Netherlands. He also went to Russia, Finland, Sweden and more, and he learned many languages. |
1799 | John Quincy Adams the writer John was well known for his obsessive writing in his diary. He started a diary in 1799 and continued it until he died. |
1802 | He becomes a US Senator Adams was elected to the Senate after working as Minister to the Netherlands and the Berlin Legation. He served for several years before losing his spot. |
1808 | Minister to Russia After his good work in the Netherlands and Berlin, President Madison appointed John Quincy Adams as Minister to Russia. |
1814 | Treaty of Ghent Mr. Adams was the chief negotiator for the Treaty of Ghent, which ended the War of 1812. |
1815 | Court of St. James After the War of 1812 ended, Mr. Adams took up a post his father held at one time. He became minister to the Court of St. James. |
1817 | Adams comes home In 1817, John Quincy Adams returned home to America. He was appointed as Secretary of State under President Monroe. |
1819 | Treaty of 1819 Mr. Adams worked closely with President Monroe to negotiate the Treaty of 1819, which secured the Florida areas from the Spanish. |
1824 | Adams become President John Quincy Adams ran for president, but it wasn't an easy race. He finally beat out Andrew Jackson, but some people believed he cheated. |
1828 | The C&O Canal Adams wanted to bring all the sections of America together, so he worked hard to build canals that would bridge different sections. His first canal was the C&O Canal in 1828. |
1828 | Adams loses the second election Andrew Jackson ran against Adams in the next presidential election, and he accused Adams of being corrupt. Adams was defeated and he retired, but he didn't stay retired for long. |
1831 | House of Representatives Adams was unexpectedly elected to the Plymouth, Massachusetts, House of Representatives. He served there for many years. |
1848 | John Quincy Adams dies Mr. Adams passed away after a stroke in the House of Representatives. He was buried with his family at First Parish Church in Quincy, Massachusetts. |