Timeline Description: Saul Hudson is best known as "Slash", a guitarist for the band Guns N' Roses. He later went on to form the Velvet Revolver band.
Date | Event |
July 23, 1965 | Saul Hudson is born Saul was born in Hampstead, in England. Because he was always on the go, a family friend nicknamed him "Slash." |
1970 | A family move Saul lived with his father in England, but at the age of five Slash's family moved. He grew up in Los Angeles, California, and he learned to play bass as a teen. |
1981 | His first band Slash joined his first band at the age of sixteen. It was called Tidus Sloan. |
1985 | Guns N' Roses Saul joined a new band, after a string of unsuccessful groups. It was made up of former buddies of Slash's, Axl Rose and Izzy Stradlin, and the band was Guns N' Roses. |
1987 | Opening for the Rolling Stones The band quickly took off after releasing a few singles. They released their first album in 1987. |
1989 | A rocky road The band moved to rocky ground after only a few years together. Including Slash, many of the members had developed drug problems, and the band was in danger of breaking up. |
1991 | Touring with the group Slash and the others took off on a tour for their newest albums. One of the band members left the group, and their next album didn't do well at all. |
1992 | Marriage Slash married a woman named Renee Suran in 1992, but they divorced a few years later. He would go on to marry Perla Ferrar several years later, but they divorced, as well. |
1993 | World Music Award Guns N' Roses continued their success, despite their weak albums released earlier. They earned two World Music Awards in 1993. |
1993 | Slash leaves the band Slash stopped playing with the band after several years together. He later released his reason in his autobiography. |
1996 | Slash makes it official After several years of being gone from Guns N' Roses, Slash made the official announcement that he was no longer part of the group. In his autobiography, he blamed it on the other group members. |
2001 | Heart failure Slash suffered from major heart failure at the age of 45. He was nursed back to health, and went on to continue his career. |
2003 | Velvet Revolver Slash led a string of unsuccessful bands after he left Guns N' Roses. He struck a successful chord with Velvet Revolver. |
2007 | Autobiography After a long career, and a tumultuous life, Saul Hudson wrote an autobiography. He titled it "Slash." |
2008 | Solo albums Slash continued enjoying career success when he released his first solo album. He released a second in 2012, which also did well. |